(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Martial Power 2 - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

CHAINBIND£R "18ot its arms- it ain't 8oin8 nowhere." Prerequisite: Warlord, Rending Chains War· master feat You are a master ofa hard and pitiless combat style. Speeches about hope and ideals aren't for you; you inspire your comrades by showing them how you can rip your enemies to shreds. You're skilled at fighting with weapons that let you hold your foes so your friends can work them over. The spiked chain is your weapon ofchoice, since it lets you strike from the second rank. You might have learned your techniques in the fighting pits of a goblin fortress, in the arenas of a decadent city-state, or alongside brigands in lawless lands. You emerged from this crucible as a gang leader, a hard-hearted mercenary, or a skilled gladiator. CHAINBINDER PATH FEATURES Warlord's Chains (11th level): Choose one of the following warlord at-will powers that you know: brash assault, intuitive strike, or wolf pack tactics. The chosen power becomes associated with the Rending Chains Student feat, gaining its benefit. Binding Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack with a flail and that attack hits, you can grab one creature hit by the attack. Hindering Grasp (11th level): Any creature grabbed by you grants combat advantage. Shredding Escape (16th level): Whenever an enemy shifts and would take damage from your Rending Chains Warmaster feat, you can instead deal ongoing damage to the enemy equal to your Strength modifier (save ends). CHAINBINDER EXPLOITS Ensnaring Chains Chainbinder Attack 1 "I You whip your weapon around ),ourjoe,leavir18 an openill8jor your ally to strike. Encounter. Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Requirement: You must be wielding a flail. Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you grab the target. One of your allies adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the target as a free action. Dance of the Flail Chainbinder Utility 12 You force your enemy 10 move a8ainsl its will, allowin8 a near­ by ally to lash oul tit it. Daily. Martial, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you attack with a flail and pull, push, or slide an enemy, one of your allies adjacent to that enemy at any point during the forced movement can make a melee basic attack against it as a free action. Grab and Smash Chainbinder Attack 20 You lash out with your weapon, drawin8 a foe closer. Then you snare a second enemy and slam it inlo lite Jlrsl. Daily. Martial, Reliable, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Requirement: You must be wielding a flail. Target: One or two creatures Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[Wl + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the target 3 squares to a square adjacent to you. If you hit two targets, each of them takes extra damage equal to your Strength modifier.

PRINCE OF KNAVES "Robfrom the rich and 8ive to the poor, aye. And we're needy enou8h to befirst in line!" Prerequisite: Warlord, trained in Stealth Those who live outside the law are fiercely inde · pendent. Some are outcasts by nature, but most are driven to the fringes ofsociety because a rigid authority denied them any other place. It's not easy for free spirits to acknowledge their need for leadership. You understand that those who act alone are easier to hunt down. Outlaws must be inspired to band together for their common good. That's where you come in. Because ofyour charm and your bravado, and because you never give up, you're the one they rely on for this inspiration. When times are good, you're the one they trust to divvy up the loot. On the days when the law wins, it's you who holds despair at bay and encourages your band to press on. You are a prince ofknaves, and no matter what company you keep or how base you might be, none can deny that you have the dignity and magnetism ofa born ruler. A few heroes who follow this path truly are of noble birth. Legends abound with tales ofdeposed aristocrats toppled from the ruling class and forced to lead a ragtag band ofrebels to recapture their rightful heritage. Others hope to use their blades and their wits to carve out a new throne for themselves. Whatever the past and the future hold for you , you know that you will triumph as long as you have your friends close- and a concealed knife even closer. PRINCE OF KNAVES PATH FEATURES Generous Flanker (11th level): Any enemy you are flanking grants combat advantage. Distracting Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, each ally you can see can shift his or her speed and make a Stealth check to become hidden as a free action. Lord ofScoundrels (16th level): Allies adjacent to you don't grant combat advantage. PRINCE OF KNAVES EXPLOITS Clever Maneuver Prince of Knaves Attack 1 1 You attackyourfoe with a quick slash, then sliove it toward one ofyour allies to finish off. Encounter + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Hit: 2[W) + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the target 3 squares. If the target ends the slide adjacent to any of your allies, one of your allies adjacent to it can make a melee basic attack against it as a free action. Run for It Prince of Knaves Utility 11 On your si8nal, your band scatters out ofsi8ht. Encounter + Martial Move Action Close burst S Target: You and one ally in burst Effect: Each target can move his or her speed and make a Stealth check to become hidden as a free action. Kneel to the Prince Prince of Knaves Attack 10 You trip your foe,Iashin8 out at it as it stumbles pastyou. Daily + Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W) + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the target 3 squares and knock it prone. The target can't stand up (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and you knock the target prone. CHAPTER 4 I Warlord

WHITE RAVEN .~ leader is only as 8reat as the sum ofhis or her soldiers." Prerequisite: Warlord You are a renowned captain and a famous leader who is known for generosity toward your troops and ferocity in the face ofenemies. You're at your best with allies nearby, fighting back to back against a throng ofworthy foes. You grew up in a culture that values camaraderie. honor. cooperation. and nobility. Dirty fighting. deceit. and trickery are anathema to you. You eschew these strategies in favor ofsound tactics. strong morale, well-trained warriors. solid armor and weapons, and proper planning. You're not afraid to get your hands dirty. though you believe that respect should be shown to friend and foe alike. Not everyone has what it takes to be a white raven. You must be mindful of the needs ofyour allies. the honor ofyour foes, and your legacy in years to come. You hope to earn your place in the courts ofthe gods. and you know that such a place is not reached without effort. You plan to do whatever it takes to be worthy ofsuch an honor. White raven is often a hereditary title akin to nobility in military societies. Despite this tradition, you didn't achieve this rank without proving your skill, va lor. and generosity to those older and more experienced in battle and in the ways ofthe world . You have been given a great honor by having this title bestowed upon you. Ifyou were to die tomorrow. you would be content knOWing that you have lived your life to the best ofyour ability. WHITE RAVEN PATH FEATURES Loyal Support (11th level): Whenever you use a healing power or a power that grants temporary hit points, the target ofthe power gains an additional 2 hit points (of the corresponding type) for each ally within 2 squares ofyou. White Raven Tactics (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack. you gain a bonus to attack rolls for that attack equal to 2 + the number of allies who are within 2 squares ofyou. Bold Company (16th level): Whenever you hit an enemy and deal damage. you deal 2 extra damage to that enemy for each ofyour allies adjacent to it. WHITE RAVEN EXPLOITS Inspirational Assault White Raven Allack 11 You land a mil/hty bIoII'. inspirinl/ an ally to follow suit. Encounter. Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and one ally within 5 squares of you gains a power bonus to his or her next attack roll before the end of your next turn equal to the number of allies within 1 squares of you. Order from Chaos White Raven Utility 11 You yell out a series ofquick orders, directinB your allies to supe· rior positions amonB your enemies. Daily. Martial Move Action Close burst 1 0 Target: You and each ally in burst Effect: Each target can shift his or her speed as a free action, ignoring difficult terrain. Each target gains combat advantage against every enemy until the end of your next turn. White Raven's Gambit White Raven Attack 10 Your powerjid attack clips your enemy, weakel1inB its defenses and allowinB all ally to follow up with a stronB artack. Daily. Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[Wj + Strength modifier damage. As a free action, one ally adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the target with a power bonus to the damage roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. Miss: Half damage. and one ally adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack against the target as a free action.

ZEPHYR WARCHIEF "We are a scourin8 sandstorm, and we will sweep you away." Prerequisite: Warlord, Desert Moon Student feat You have mastered the art ofwar as practiced by the desert nomads. You are an expert at using speed and hit-and-run tactics for skirmishes and raids. Perhaps you are displaced from your original band, a grizzled veteran who now fights in foreign lands. You might be searching for a new band to lead or seeking to whip an existing group into shape. You could have been exiled from your tribe and now live as a rootless wanderer. Regardless ofyour past, your life brought you into contact with the ways ofwar, and from that experience, you became an aggressive and resourceful leader. You learned your style of command in a harsh environment where fear and hesitation aren't options. The unforgiving desert sands shaped you into a keen weapon that has no patience for the luxuries ofcivilized folk. However, you aren't without honor. Hospitality, kindness to prisoners, and the rules ofwar must be observed. You seek to destroy your enemies and pillage their camps, but that doesn't mean you're an animal. It's important that tradition is followed . You demand this adherence of anyone who serves with you and under you. Your allies know you as a hard and fair leader. Everyone receives their due, but dues must be earned. The desert doesn't give easily of her bounty, and neither do your enemies. ZEPHYR WARCHIEF PATH FEATURES Desert Wind (11th level): Any ally who starts his or her turn within 5 squares ofyou gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging or running. Warchief's Favor (11th level): When you spend an action pOint to take an extra action, one ally within 5 squares ofyou can shift his or her speed and make a melee basic attack as a free action before or after the extra action. Nomad's Blessing (16th fevel): Whenever you shift, you can shift 1 extra square. ZEPHYR WARCH1EF EXPLOITS Scouring Strike Zephyr Warchief Altack '11 You cltar8e your foe witlt incredible speed, scourinB itsflesh with your weapon and spinnin8 it around so your allies can rush into position. Encounter. Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC Target: One creature Hit: 3[W) + Strength modifier damage. You and each ally adjacent to the target can shift 2 squares as a free action. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. , Desert Glide Zephyr Warchief Utility 1 2 You and your allies Rlide across the battlefield like sand snakes in lite dunes. Encounter. Martial Move Action Close burst 3 Target: You and each ally in burst Effect: Each target can move his or her speed + 2 as a free action. One Thousand Cuts Zephyr Warchief Attack 20 You and your allies assault your foe with attacks from all sides like thefollforce ofthe brutal desert wind, Bil'in8 it no respite from its wounds. Daily. Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W) + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). While the target is affected by this ongoing damage, the first time you or an ally damages the target each round, it takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end of its next turn. Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. CHAPTER 4 I Warlord

CHAPTER 5 A MARTIAL hero is more than a choice of race, class, and build. Your selection offeats for your character offers you the ability to create a unique assemblage oftechniques, making your dragonborn brawling fighter different from any other dragonborn brawling fighters you might meet. Do you choose feats that focus on mastering one aspect of combat, such as making your opportunity attacks as effective as possible? Or do you pick a specific weapon and devote yourself to mastering an exotic fighting style associated with it? With the options in this chap ­ ter, you can also broaden your character's horizons and create a h ero renowned for deeds of endurance, agility, cleverness, or athleticism. After all, not every challenge you face in the world of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS can be killed with a sword. In this chapter, you 'll find the following sections. • The Martial Outlook: What sets martial charac ­ ters apart from other kinds of adventurers? What do they care about, and how do they interact with the world around them? This section answers those questions. • Combat Styles: A new system offeats that allows you to speCialize in a particular combination of weapons and powers,learning a set ofsignature attacks and moves. • New Feats: This section presents feats by tier, including new options for every martial class. • Martial Practices: Rituals give characters the ability to use powerful magic to overcome chal ­ lenges outside combat. Now martial characters have a way to accomplish similar tasks in the form ofmartial practices. • Martial Backgrounds: A series ofbackgrounds aimed at martial characters. These backgrounds use the rules from Player 's Handbook 2. • Epic Destinies: Four new epic destinies conclude this chapter, including the dragonheart and the legendary sovereign. • C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

.-.-._.-.- .- .-.-.-._.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.­ THE MART1AL OUTLOOK / At first blush, it might seem as though there's nothing special about martial characters compared to the other kinds of adventurers who populate the world of the D&DC"; game. They don't use mastery ofmagic to rise to the fore; they don't rely on otherworldly deities or spirits to invest them with their powers. They succeed because of the strength that lies within them-and that makes them speCial indeed. This section discussses several topics important to how martial characters act and how they view the world around them, beginning with an examination of exactly where martial power comes from. WHAT Is MARTIAL POWER? From where does the fighter summon the strength for such fierce attacks? Bow does the rogue learn to perform feats of astounding agility? What hidden reservoir ofspirit does the warlord tap when he or she steps forward and commands allies to strike as one? The martial power source might seem as though it isn't a power source at all. A martiai practitioner can't produce overtly supernatural effects, such as rays of blinding radiance or shields ofinvisible magic force. However, martial power does have a source, even ifit is an inconspicuous one. Martial power is the combination of three qualities acting in concert: natural ability such as great strength or uncanny agility, the determination to act, and learned skill acquired through endless hours of practice. For a briefmoment, the martial hero combines these three components in the performance of a move. maneuver, or feat of arms, exceeding the normal physicallimitations of his or her body and training. To put it another way. most people go through their lives using only a fraction of their true capability. Martial heroes have learned how to routinely exceed their normal limits and unlock more oftheir physical potential than anyone else. They can't perform magical deeds, sllch as teleporting through alternate dimensions or becoming transparent, but they can make leaps of astonishing speed and distance or take advantage ofthe smallest distraction to slip out of Sight. With timing and skill, a wiry halfling hero can throw a harder punch than a human laborer twice his or her size, because the halfling knows how to dig down and use more of his or her potential than the bigger, muscular human. The human laborer might have more raw strength, but that human doesn't know how to use it the way the halfling does. The components ofthe martial power source are present in all creatures. However, few creatures learn to exceed their ordinary limits on a regular basis. A big. strong blacksmith driven into an absolute fury can hit with great force, but that doesn't mean that an angry blacksmith's punch is a martial exploit. It doesn't havc the precise power and split-second timing that a martial hero's attack routinely achieves. Consequently, martial heroes soon exceed the skills ofcommon people, especially in their chosen fields ofexpertise. Some folks believe that the gods wanted mortal races to be capablc ofgreater achievements than the gods could envision during the days ofcreation, and so they bestowed the capacity for incredible deeds upon each race. Others believe that the gods unknowingly created children greater than themselves, not understanding the true limits ofthe mortal races they shaped so long ago. Regardless of the veracity ofthis story, it's true that the gods have long been fascinated with mortal heroes, especially those who accomplish great deeds without the aid ofmagical energy. A WARRIORtS WEAPONS Your weapon choice is a distinctive element ofyour character. When chOOSing your character's weapon, look beyond the numbers to see what your weapon says about your adventurer. Axe: Like a woodcutter in a forest, you're about chopping your way through what lies in your path. Axes are anything but delicate. so you're accustomed to bloodbaths. Axe wielders can't be squeamish about their work, and many develop a sense ofgallows humor as a result. Bow: The supreme weapon for archers, the bow offers range and power beyond other projectile weapons. Using a bow requires a keen eye, a talent you might bring to bear in dealing with others off the battlefield. Crossbow: The crossbow shares the superior range and solid damage output found in bows but doesn't require the same level oftraining. In fact, any peasant can pick up a loaded crossbow and fire it with confidence. Slower reload times and lower damage make these weapons inferior to bows. If you don't have the time or interest for more extensive training. though, you can expand your combat options by keeping a crossbow handy. Flail: You can bypass shields, smash through armor, and tangle up enemies by using a flail. Your attacks might be wild and reckless or cunning and technical. Hammer: The hammer is usually associated with the fearless d'vvarf warrior who smashes through enemies with a warhammer or a maul. The hammer shatters bones and weapons, so it's a good choice ifyou are direct and aggressive (both in and out ofcombat). Heavy Blade: Widely popular weapons. heavy blades aTe a staple in many warriors' arsenals. Whether you lise the tried and true longsword or heft a mighty greatsword or fullblade, the heavy blade demonstrates your commitment to tradition and dedication C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

0 to weapon mastery. In selecting such a weapon, you might be clinging to noble values and high ideals. Light Blade: Speed and accuracy characterize light blades, making them favored weapons for rogues. Ifyou specialize in light blades, you rarely take the front line against your enemies. Instead, you step in, attack, and dart away after delivering a nasty cut. You might seek nontraditional methods to overcoming problems, thinking around challenges rather than strong-arming your way through them. Mace: Characterized by a heavy head used to break bones and damage armor, the mace is a simple kind ofweapon. You don't need to devote a lot oftime to training in the weapon. IfyolI're a mace wielder, you probably take a less than artful approach to combat and prefer for direct solutions to out-of-combat problems. Pick: Perfect for punching through heavy armor, a pick held in your hands can pin enemies in place. You're not a subtle combatant, and you employ extraordinary force when others would use more discreet options. You have a talent for reaching the heart ofany problem quickly, ifmessily. Polearm: The polearm's primary asset is reach . You can keep enemies at a distance and make it hard for them to strike back. Ifyou're a warlord who fights behind the front lines, a polearm is ideal. With a polearm as your primary weapon, you display a penchant for teamwork. Sling: This inexpensive alternative to the hand crossbow offers you similar damage and range without the expense. A peasant weapon, the sling is more commonly found in the hands ofshepherds and small game hunters than in those ofveteran warriors. Your use ofthe sling suggests a common or rustic origin. Spear: The spear is a widespread weapon. It makes a warrior out of even the worst troops, since the basic fighting techniques require little study. Spears are also cheap to manufacture, giving rulers a steady supply of arms for their legions. As a spear ~ wielder, you might have started out as a part-time warrior or a dabbler in the martial arts. As an adven- ..J Iturer, you have devoted your training to mastering :J this simple weapon, elevating it from its humble roots o to being the equal of more complex weaponry. Staff: Although most warriors are experienced with staffs, few rely on them in combat. You might have started using a staff because you couldn't afford finer tools. You probably began your career among common folk, as a peasant or brigand. This simple W J: weapon reflects your uncomplicated nature and your Ipractical, common-sense approach to problems. SEEKING RICHES Few adventurers are immllne to the lure ofgold. They consider gaining wealth to be part of rising to power. For mercenaries, dwarffighters, and other martial archetypes, riches can be their own reward .Whether you are dutifully providing for your kin, senSibly setting aside something for your retirement, or seeking to drown the memory of humiliating poverty beneath an ocean offinery and largesse, you'll want to take on minor quests that offer stepping stones on your road to riches. It's best ifthese quests can be achieved without spending your precious gold. Ifyou have treasure on hand that you can eaSily convert to items that aid your character, do so. Gold pieces are your operating capital, and you can maximize your future earning potential by investing in superior gear and in martial practices such as Thorough Search. To gain fantastic wealth, you'll need to leverage intangibles and seize opportunities others might overlook. Ifyou have to kill an enemy, see if there's someone else interested in seeing that person dead as well. When you clear out a haunted castle, determine ifyou can sell the property to a land-poor baron, find a buyer willing to haul away the ancient furnishings that were too bulky for transport, or use NAMED WEAPONS The greatest heroes of fantasy literature have borne weapons that had minds of their own, and in the earliest edition ofthe DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, every sword that was magical was also intelligent. Nevertheless, martial characters would rather use their weapons as tools that serve their ends instead of the other way around_ legendary weapons gain names for themselves over time_ A weapon that starts with a name might have already accomplished great deeds. On the other hand, a weapon could receive a name from those that witness its power over the course of the wielder's career. The usual source for a weapon name is the wielder or creator. A few warriors, such as the hero Tral in his late r years, have claimed that their weapons spoke to them in voices no one else could hear. Whether or not this tale is true, it's common fo r warriors to talk to their weapons, just as a lonely hunter might hold conversations with his dogs. This kind of nuance can be a great roleplaying hook. Your character might call his or her morningstar Big Biter, and when the party bogs down in debate over whether to take a rest you announce, "Big Biter's getting hungry!" Mundane details can add character to a weapon as well. A blade that bears one notch for every foe it has killed is an evocative addition to the game whether you find it in a treasure parcel or start the tally yourself during play. Your DM might encourage players to treat a magic weapon they've found as a personality by giving it minor powers that aren't under the player's control, such as a flail that glows a dim red in the presence of reptilians and grows warm to the touch when such a foe is bloodied. CHAPT E R 5 I Martial Options

the site as the base for a new money-making organization ofyour own_ These aims might lead into skill challenges, and because in business it's vital to know whom you can trust, InSight is a key skill. Diplomacy is important for negotiating favorable contracts, and Streetwise and Thievery can help you stay ahead ofvillains who would seek to enrich themselves from your growing coffers_ SEEKING FAME All heroes seek to perfect their skills_ For many martial characters, it's not enough to be the best unless everyone knows about it You might want your name repeated in bards' songs for your own vain satisfaction, or you might desire to prove yourself to doubters and naysayers_ For you, a good minor quest is one that contributes to your legend_ You might hope for a feast or a parade to be held in your honor, or you could seek an invitation to a prestigious conclave of adventurers. You will achieve your goals in tandem with the main quest ofan adventure. When the party defeats the scourge that has been terrorizing a farm community, yourjob will be to make sure the group receives the credit it deserves. When you eradicate a nest of villains, you'll want to make an Intimidate check to be sure that one oftheir lackeys escapes to spread a properly impressive tale. You might attempt skill challenges to persuade important personages to celebrate your legend. Because the tales ofyour accomplishments shou Id always stretch the limits of believability without going too far, Bluff and InSight are key skills. Acrobatics and Intimidate can show your audience a little bit of your bluster and derring-do, while Diplomacy and Streetwise make sure your tale reaches the right ears. As your fame grows, it can create complications that lead to further adventures. You might need to squelch malicious rumors spread by a rival, rescue a youngster who got into trouble trying to emulate your legend , or strive to live up to the inflated expectations ofsomeone you can't disappoint without losing face. SEEKING A LEGACY Many martial characters harbor an ambition to create something greater than themselves. You might want to establish a stronghold for yourself and your cause, organize a thieves' guild , start a mercenary company, open a weapon shop, or found a military academy to pass on your martial lore. At first your minor quests will be individual steps toward this goal. such as recruiting followers or acquiring a site where you want to build. Diplomacy is a key skill for challenges during this phase, since you have to negotiate a place for your organization within the existing social structure. You must also set an example for your followers, working and training alongSide them using AthleticS, Endurance, and Thievery. Martial practices such as Forge Weapon, Forge Armor, and Master Artisan can help to equip your followers or start a retail venture, while Peerless Exploration is invaluable for locating a good site for a stronghold and patrolling its environs. Once you establish your organization, its growing pains will inspire additional quests, such as discrediting the slander of a rival school or making the roads safe for traders to reach your territory. Although the possibilities for skill challenges in this phase are as wide as the range of obstacles that might block your path, the History skill will always help you learn from the mistakes ofyour predecessors. As you build, expect to pursue this goal in paraJIel with the party's main quests. Don't fall into the trap of depriving yourself to pay your organization's bills, and don't expect the organization's income to support you unless you have retired from adventuring. When the baron pays your adventuring party a chest full of gold, you should join the rest ofthe party in using the reward to improve your gear. You can try to gain further gratitude by making your academy the official training center for the barony's troops, or lending to the baron the services ofyour master mason. HIRING HELP Once upon a time, every well-planned expedition into the dungeon began with a visit to the nearest tavern to recruit hirelings and henchmen. Although this practice is useful at low levels, its use declines as the heroes' power outstrips that of common warriors. Mercenary recruits can still be helpful to martial characters in certain circ*mstances, though. Ifyou're lucky, you and your companions will find a treasure so massive that you need help hauling it back to REGA1N1NG EXPL01TS Each martial character does something while resting that light pipes, chew leaves, or swig from wineskins to steady renews his or her ability to perform mighty deeds of arms, their nerves and refresh their courage. A few characters achievements that wouldn't be possible if that individual perhaps dose their eyes and tum Inward to regain their were forced to press on. One character might resharpen poise or pull out lucky talismans and kiss them. Some a weapon, honing the edge to better hew through foes. A might offer prayers to the ones they worship, chant invocaranged expert might sort through ammunition, balancing tions to ward off harm, or meditate on their connections arrows or tossing and catching throwing knives to stay to nature, even if they draw upon only the martial power familiar with their centers of gravity_ Other heroes might source in battle. C H A PTE R 5 I Martial Options

civilization. The wages of a gang of burly mercenaries roughly match the cost of components for the Tenser's Floating Disk ritual, and the recruits can defend the loot against minor threats ifthe party must divert its attention away from protecting it. While searching for that big score, adventurers might hire sentries to maintain a base camp, guard mounts and prisoners, or secure an area.The party could also find use for hirelings other than soldiers. A legion of beggars can, for little pay, watch for an enemy who has gone to ground in an urban area . Paid bands of hunters might monitor the routes leading out ofthe city. The major disadvantage of mercenaries is the ever-present possibility of disloyalty, desertion, or betrayal. Wise adventurers address this problem before it can arise through careful recruiting and Streetwise background checks that guarantee a hireling's trustworthiness. A promising group oflackeys will stay loyal if they are treated well. Successful parties aren't stingy with their employees, and don't ask them to take a share of an adventure's risks without an equal share ofthe rewards. Although good wages are important, maintaining good morale ultimately counts for more. The feral fighter Zar was famous for never paying on time and even more famous for splurging on lavish banquets for her hired soldiers and giving them the opportunity to boast that they had fought by her side, even ifit was in a bar fight that she provoked. And Baok Bonebreaker always prized the +1 thunderina warhammer given to him by the adventurers who first took a chance on hiring his ragged gang ofdwarf bravos, wearing it proudly long after he became a famed warrior in his own right and realized that to his patrons, the hammer was an obsolete hand-me-down. MARTIAL DESTINIES How can the different epic destinies of a group of martial characters be woven into a unified and satisfactory climax to a years-long campaign? Your DM can accomplish this by identifying plot threads that tie to the choices the players have made, as shown in the following example. As their game enters the epic tier, ~ the DM talks to the players about their plans for their 0 characters and finds out that the fighter will pursue 9 the Invincible Vanguard destiny (page 157), the ranger I­ ::::l has chosen Godhunter (Martial Power), the rogue will 0 become a Demigod (Player's Handbook), and the warlord plans to become a Warmaster (Martial Power). After browsing through the Dun8eon Master's Guide with the campaign's previous plotlines in mind, the DM decides that the final arc ofthe story will center on the prophecy that a warrior Wielding w the Axe ofthe Dwarvish Lords will win a victory that J: I- dooms the world. Characters and nonplayer characters might attempt to wield the legendary artifact, becoming entangled in the prophecy. Previous adventures in dwarven kingdoms introduced a politically ambitious dwarfwhom the party mistrusts, and both the party's fighter and one ofthe group's chief rivals are dwarf warriors. The DM decides that the climax ofthe adventure will involve an attempt to destroy the Axe ofthe Dwarvish Lords so that the prophecy can never be fulfilled . Ifthe characters don't hatch a plan to destroy the Axe themselves, the DM determines that a rival party will pursue this solution. The unique method required to destroy the Axe can involve fulfilling one ofthe artifact's benevolent goals, so the DM says it must be seared by the odious flames ofthe destroyed soul ofthe archdevil Geryon (Manual ofthe Planes, page 102). For the party's fighter, standing up to Geryon will be the ultimate achievement as an Invincible Vanguard, while killing Geryon will represent the ranger's triumph as a Godhunter. The destinies of the rogue and warlord will be tested shortly after the fight, when the archdevil's death creates a gap within the hierarchies ofthe Abyss. The Demigod will have to choose whether to take up Geryon's crown and rule below or produce the devil's head as proofof her right to be admitted into a celestial pantheon, and the Warmaster will be presented with the opportunity to muster an army of angels or devils and establish a new balance of power. MART1AL R1VALR1ES Parties of adventurers natura lly compete with one another. Intense riva lries can develop between groups composed of several stubborn or brash martial heroes. Groups that have a stronger divine presence typica lly Include members wise enough to avoid unnecessary conflict. Martial parties focus on worldly concerns, which can put them in competition with one another for proflt, glory, and other prizes. One famous riva lry developed after Roth Tovar's party discovered the location of the Murmuring Ha lls but was unable to explore them fully during a Single expedition. When he yielded to the temptation to sell loot he had taken from the Halls, the distinctive style of its sllversmithi ng alerted the half-elf ranger Meere to the fi nd. She and he r companions retraced Tovar's ste ps, and when he returned to fi nd the d ungeon entirely stripped of valuables, he took an oath of revenge against those responSible. The two groups met multiple times in the years to come, not always due to destiny alone. During the Witch-Hunter's War, SynJon Karsk made a point of recruiting both Roth and Meere into his army, saying that he didn't want to risk having them wind up on opposite sides and disobey his plan of battle In their eagerness to get at one another's throats. CHAPTER 5 I MaTtial Options

.-.-._.-.-.-.-.-.-._.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.­ COMBAT STYLES No two warriors are exactly alike. Schools ofsword· play, tactical systems, martial philosophies, and local traditions influence a warrior's basic strikes and parries. Over time, collections of moves and attacks become recognized as distinct combat styles. USING COMBAT STYLES Each combat style consists of two types of feats, lesser style feats and greater style feats. Both kinds ofstyle feats provide benefits when you wield specific weapons or use specific weapons to make attacks. A lesser style feat modifies at-will attack powers and provides a bonus to a particular skill check. The at-will powers that a lesser style feat modifies are given at the end ofthe feat description. A greater style feat requires you to have a lesser style feat. Greater style feats modify encounter powers and provide various other benefits. Each power associated with a combat style feat is accompanied by an abbreviation to indicate which book the power appears in: Player's Handbook (PH), Martial Power (MP), or Martial Power 2 (MP2). You can learn any number of lesser and greater style feats. However, any single attack can benefit from only one lesser style feat and one greater style feat, and those feats must be associated with the same combat style. Ifmultiple lesser style feats or greater style feats can affect an attack, you must declare which of each type of feat you are using before making the attack. ADAMANT ARROW STYLE Greatbow or longbow When faced with legions ofsoldiers, a skirmisher is hard-pressed to find a better weapon than a longbow. Masters of the Adamant Arrow style have learned the perfect balance of aim and power, allOWing their shots to penetrate the toughest armor and send foes staggering. ADAMANT ARROW STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger or warlord; proficiency with greatbow or longbow Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. When you are attacking with a greatbow or a longbow and you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can push that enemy 1 square. Associated At-Will Powers: nimble strike (ranger PH), paint the bull's eye (warlord MP2) / ADAMANT ARROW COMMANDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord , Adamant Arrow Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a greatbow or a longbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit an enemy and at least one other enemy is providing it with cover from your attack you deal damage equal to your Strength modifier to one enemy providing cover to it. You can use a power associated with this feat as a ranged power instead ofa melee power. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd In~pirlng war cry PH 146 7th Sunder armor PH 148 nth Denying smite PH 149 17th Deadly inspiration MP 112 Brd Wounding focus MP 115 27th Warlord's doom PH 152 ADAMANT ARROW HUNTER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Adamant Arrow Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a greatbow or a longbow and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit an enemy and at least one other enemy is prOViding it with cover from your attack, you deal damage equal to your Dexterity modifier to one enemy providing cover to it. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a ranged basic attack. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Thwarting shot MP47 7th Hunter's shot MP49 13th Knockdown shot PH 109 17th Blow-through assault' MP 53 23rd Hammer shot PH 112 'Only when used as a ranged attack COMBAT STYLES FOR YOUR CHARACTER Because combat styles work with a narrow subset of classes, powers, and weapons, they are easier to use if you're creating a new character. If you want to add a combat style to an existing character, talk to your DM about allowing more extensive retraining. Also, keep in mind that you don't need every power associated with a combat style to use the style effectively. C HAPT EH 5 I Martial Options

Desert Moon Elsir Hammer Harrowing Swarm Hunting Spear Ironstar Kulkor Battlearm Leaf Runner Longhand Midnight Blade Moradin's Forge Mountain Thunder Nerathan High Blade Ninth Legion Ogremight Partisan Polearm ReavingAxe Red Cloak Rending Chains Silent Shot Greatbow or longbow Bastard sword, broadsword, or greatsword Any two-handed axe Any heavy blade that has the high crit property Anyone-handed hammer or one-handed ~ick Any bow or crossbow Any spear Any flail or mace Any axe, hammer, or mace that has the versatile property Hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or sling Any two-handed polearm or two-handed spear Any melee light blade Any two-handed axe, two-handed hammer, or two-handed pick Anyone-handed hammer, one-handed flail, or one-handed mace Any heavy blade that has the versatile property Anyone-handed pick or one-handed spear Any two-handed hammer or two-handed mace Any nonspear polearm Anyone-handed axe Longsword, rapier, or short sword V! UJ ...J Ranger, warlord Fighter, ranger, warlord >­ lV! Fighter, ranger, warlord Fighter, ranger, warlord I­ <l: c::l Fighter, ranger, warlord ~ Ranger, rogue, warlord Fighter, ranger, warlord o u Fighter, ranger, warlord Fighter, ranger, rogue, warlord Ranger, rogue, warlord Fighter, warlord Fighter, ranger, rogue Fighter, warlord Fighter, ranger, rogue, warlord Fighter, ranger, warlord Fighter, warlord Fighter, warlord Fighter, warlord Fighter, ranger, warlord Fighter, rogue Any flail Fighter, ranger, warlord Shortbow or any crossbow Ranger, rogue Steel Vanguard Any two-handed heavy blade Fighter, warlord ARKHOSIAN FANG STYLE Bastard sword, broadsword, or greatsword The Arkhosian Fang was an ancient order ofdragonborn warriors who developed a style of combat suited for the exhausting battles against Bael Turath. Proponents of this style slowly wear down opponents through patience and perseverance. Once a foe falters. an Arkhosian Fang master strikes quickly, bringing about a sudden conclusion. The order has disappeared, but lone masters and small groups of adherents remain. passing along knowledge of this style to anyone who is ready to learn. ARKHOSIAN FANG STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with the bastard sword, the broadsword , or the greatsword Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Endurance checks. When you are attacking with a bastard sword, a broadsword, or a greatsword and you target a blood· ied enemy with a power associated with this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. Associated At-Will Powers:footwork lure (fighter MP), marauder's rush (ranger MP2), wolf pack tactics (warlord PH) ARKHOSIAN FANG CoMMANDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord , Arkhosian Fang Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a bastard sword, a broadsword, or a greatsword and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. ADAPT1NG COMBAT STYLES The new combat style feats presented in this chapter are Feel free to change names, background elements, or any incredible tools for customizing your martial character other descriptive aspect to make it fit with your character in new and interesting ways, letting you set your adven­ concept. This option is especially useful if your game world turer apart from other martial adventurers, even those doesn't include a race mentioned in the style's description of the same race and class. Although each style incl udes or has existing organizations that could have created the a descri ption of its origins and appearance, these ele­ fighting style. Check with your Dungeon Master to best ments are there to enhance the style's flavor. They are adapt the style to fit within the campaign. not intended to be the ultimate authority on where the Sidebars throughout this section present alternative style originated or how it fits into the world of your game. backgrounds for some combat styles. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

When you miss an enemy with a martial encounter power, you gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll against that enemy before the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunityattack. 7th Surround foe PH 148 13th Death from two sides MP290 17th Warlord's rush PH 150 23rd Rabbits and wolves ~1 ARKHOSIAN FANG DUELIST [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Arkhosian Fang Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a bastard sword, a broadsword, or a greats word and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. vVhen you miss an enemy with a martial encounter power, you gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll against that enemy before the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Shadow wasp strike· PH 107 7th Hawk's talon· PH 108 13th Bloodlust strike· MP50 ' 17th Blow-through assault· MP 53 23rd Avalanche offury MP243 27th Death rend PH 112 •Only when used as a melee attack ARKHOSIAN FANG MAULER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Arkhosian Fang Student feat Benefit: vVhen you are attacking with a bastard sword. a broadsword, or a greatsword and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. US1NG ASSOC1ATED ENCOUNTER POWERS Some combat style feats let you use an encounter attack power in place of a basic attack or use a different ability score for an attack. These combat style feats are intended to help a class's various builds gain access to powers that otherwise appeal to one or two builds. These feats change only when or how you use an encounter power. They don't alter the number of times you can use a power per encounter. C HAPTEH 5 I Martial Options When you miss an enemy with a martial encounter power, you gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll against that enemy before the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. 7th Griffon's wrath PH 80 17th PH 83 27th Adamantine strike PH85 BLACK HOOD STYLE Any two-handed axe The Black Hood is a loose guild of mercena ry killers hired by lords to execute deserving criminals­ espeCially criminals who haven't yet been caught. Over time, the group's techniques have evolved into a robust fighting style that uses two-handed axes. The Black Hood style focuses on delivering swift, lethal strikes. BLACK HOOD STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with any two-handed axe Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. When you are attacking with a two-handed axe and you deliver a coup de grace against an enemy, your attack deals l[W] extra damage against that enemy. When you are attacking with a two-handed axe and you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll if that enemy is slowed, or a +5 bonus to the damage roll if that enemy is helpless or immobilized. Associated At-WiIJ Powers:furious smash (warlord PH), marauder's rush (ranger MP2), sure strike (fighter PH) BLACK HOOD BUTCHER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Black Hood Student feat EVERLOST GUARD STYLE Worshipers of Orcus believe that the demon prince created this style and taught it to the elite cadre of mortal fanatics honored to fight alongside his undead hordes. The Everlost Gua rd fought brutally and without fear for their own lives. They knew that if they fell in battle, they would have the honor of fighti ng for Orcus again after being raised as undead. Alternative to Black Hood

Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded axe and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Ifyou score a critical hit, each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength modifier. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Crushing blow PH 79 7th Griffon's wrath PH 80 17th Exacting strike PH 83 23rd Crippling smash MP19 27th Adamantine strike PH 85 BLACK HOOD EXECUTIONER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Black Hood Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded axe and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Ifyou score a critical hit, each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength modifier. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. l evel Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Inspiring war cry PH 146 7th Provoke overextension MP107 13th Headstrong bravery MP110 17th Deadly inspiration MP111 23rd Blood begets blood MPl14 27th Warlord's doom PH 1S2 BLACK HOOD SLAYER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Black Hood Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded axe and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Ifyou score a critical hit, each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. You can use Dexterity instead ofStrength for attack rolls and damage rolls when using a power associated with this feat. leve l Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Avenging charge MP235 7th Toppling rush MP238 13th Bloodlust strike" MP50 17th Reproving strike' MP241 27th Steel breeze MP244 'Only when used as a melee attack DESERT MOON STYLE Any heavy blade that has the high crit property The Desert Moon style arose among desert-dwelling, nomadic humans. In the blistering heat oftheir homelands, heavy armor is impractical, so they wear light armor that provides a full range of movement. The Desert Moon style emphasizes nimble footwork, quick reactions, and sudden attacks. The aggressive approach features spinning slashes and long cutsattacks that favor curved blades. DESERT MOON STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with any heavy blade that has the high crit property CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the high crit property and yOll have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you hit an unbloodied enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can shift 2 squares after the attack as a free action. Associated At-Will Powers: careful attack (ranger PH), sure strike (fighter PH), viper's strike (warlord PH) DESERT MOON SKIRMISHER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Desert Moon Student feat Benefit: \.\Then you are wielding a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction when an enemy misses you with a melee attack. When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 2 squares before your attack as a free action when you use a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Shadow wasp strike PH 107 7th Jackal ploy MP49 13th Nimble defense PH 109 17th Two-weapon eviscerate PH 111 Hrd Avalanche of fury-~_ MP243 27th Unstable gash MP56 DESERT MOON SWORDMASTER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Desert Moon Student feat Benefit: When you are wielding a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction when an enemy misses you with a melee attack. When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can use a power associated LOW COURT STYLE This form of scimitar fencing emerged from the ancient practice of trial by combat. The original law stated that the accused had to prove his or her innocence in a duel to the death against the accuser. Eventually, it became customary for both parties to hire professional champions who fought until first blood. Before Arnd acqUired the Invulnerable Coat for which he is best remembered (described in the Dun8eon Master's Guide), he founded an academy that taught this style. Alternative to Desert Moon CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. 3rd Dance of steel 7th Sudden surge PH 80 13th Storm of blows PH 82 17th Harrying assault PH 83 Hrd Fangs of steel PH 84 27th Adamantine strike PH 85 DESERT MOON ZEPHYR [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Desert Moon Student feat Benefit: When you are wielding a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction when an enemy misses you with a melee attack. When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the high crit property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Steel monsoon PH 147 7th Surprise attack PH 148 13th Withdrawal gambit MP 110 17th Thunderous fury PH 150 Hrd Wave of war MP293 E LSIR HAMM£R STYLE Anyone-handed hammer or one-handed pick To counter the hobgoblin populations in the mountains near Elsir Vale, local warriors developed a fighting style to reduce mobility and ignore heavy armor. Masters ofthis style analyze their opponents and capitalize on mistakes. Elsir defenders learn to bypass defenses using deliberate strikes. Since this style works well against any fortified enemies, it is widely practiced. ELSIR HAMMER STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter. ranger. or warlord; proficiency with anyone-handed hammer or any one-handed pick. Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. When you are attacking with a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit.

When you attack an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can target the enemy's Reflex instead ofAC. Associated At-Will Powers: slash and pummel (fighter MP2). throw and stab (ranger MP2), brash assault (warlord MP) ELSIR HAMMER CHAMPION [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Elsir Hammer Student feat Benefit: When you are wielding a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction whenever an adjacent enemy that is marked by you or your ally shifts away from you. When YOll are attacking with a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can target the enemy's Reflex instead ofAC when you use a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Crushing blow PH 79 7th Iron bulwark PH 80 13th Talon ofthe roc PH 82 17th Boggling smash MP17 23rd Paralyzing strike PH 85 27th Blood rush MP22 ELSIR HAMMER GENERAL [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Elsir Hammer Student feat Benefit: When you are Wielding a one -handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction whenever an adjacent enemy that is marked by you or your ally shifts away from you. When you are attacking with a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, one ally within 5 squares of you can shift 2 squares as a free action when you hit with a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Hold the line PH 146 7th Surprise attack PH 148 13th Grim mark MP110 17th Hail of steel PH 150 Hrd Ringing clarity MP115 27th Chimera battlestrike PH 152 ELSIR HAMMER STALKER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Elsir Hammer Student feat Benefit: When you are wielding a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction whenever an adjacent enemy that is marked by you or your ally shifts away from you. When you are attacking with a one-handed hammer or a one-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you can shift 2 squares before your attack when you use a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Upending throw MP236 7th Twofold flinch MP49 13th Quick throw MP239 17th Wolverine claw strike MP241 Hrd Ricochet throw MP243 27th Wandering tornado PH 113 HARROWING SWARM STYLE Any bow or crossbow This style is named for the swarms of arrows fired by its practitioners. Archers who follow this style employ techniques that aggravate opponents' wounds and slow their recovery. Harrowing Swarm archers are also experts at firing multiple shots. HARROWING SWARM STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, rogue, or warlord; proficiency with any bow or crossbow Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Nature checks. When you are attacking with a bow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you attack with a power associated with this feat, the power gains the rattling keyword (page 57). Associated At-Will Powers: nimble strike (ranger PH), paint the bull's eye (warlord MP2), slyflourish (rogue PH) HARROWING SWARM CAPTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Harrowing Swarm Student feat QUEEN'S TOURNEY ST YLE Paladins of the Raven Queen developed a style of fighting deSigned for ceremonial melees fought in their god's name_ The style's emphasis on weapons that can puncture heavy plate armor reflects the armament worn at these tourneys, and the rules of engagement awarded special honor to a combatant who could end the life of a downed opponent in a single blow. Alternative to Elsir Hammer C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

Benefit: When you are attacking with a bow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon. you gain the following two benefits. You do not provoke an opportunity attack from the target ofyour attack. You can use a power associated with this feat as a ranged power instead of a melee power. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Warlord's strike PH 147 7th War of attrition MP 108 13th Denying smite PH 149 17th Deadly inspiration MP 112 23rd Rabbits and wolves PH 151 27th Incite heroism PH 152 HARROWING SWARM SCOUT [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Harrowing Swarm Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a bow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You do not provoke an opportunity attack from the target ofyour attack. When you use a power associated with this feat, you can use your bow or crossbow instead of a thrown weapon. Ifyou do so, you use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack rolls and damage rolls. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Upending throw MP236 7th Surprising throw MP238 13th Quick throw MP239 23rd Ricochet throw MP243 27th Skewering shot MP244 HARROWING SWARM STALKER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, Harrowing Swarm Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a bow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You do not provoke an opportunity attack from the target ofyour attack. You can use a power associated with this feat as a ranged power instead ofa melee power and you can attack using a crossbow instead of a light blade. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Setup strike PH 120 7th Dismaying slash MP78 13th Unbalancing attack PH 123 17th Audacious strike MP82 23rd Felling gash MP85 27th Skirmishing strike MP87 HUNTING SPEAR STYLE Any spear Widespread among elves, eladrin, and people living on the frontier, the Hunting Spear style excels at engaging large, dangerous beasts. It emphasizes throws, rushes and retreats, and quick footwork for avoiding slow, powerful foes. HUNTING SPEAR STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord ; profi· ciency with any spear Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. vVhen you are attacking with a spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the fol· lowing benefit. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, that enemy is slowed until the end of your next turn. Associated At-Will Powers: openilt8 shove (war· lord PH),fadiIt8 strike (ranger MP2), sure strike (fighter PH) HUNTING SPEAR WARDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Hunting Spear Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against creatures that are larger than you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Armor-piercing thrust PH 79 7th Reckless strike PH 80 13th Talon of the roc PH 82 17th Warrior's challenge PH 83 23rd Meticulous stab MP19 27th Indomitable battle strike PH 86 HUNTING SPEAR SKIRMISHER [GREATER STYW Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunting Spear Student feat B1LWANTl LANCER STYLE The famous cavalry unit called the Bilwanti lancers used coordinated spear tactics to clear the passes of the Riddled Peaks. where ogre bandits using hit-and-run tactics had eluded other forces bent on eradicating them. In local slang, it is said than an especially slippery thief "can even escape a Bilwantllancer." Alternative to Huntin8 Spear C H A PTER 5 I Martial Options

Benefit: When you are attacking with a spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against creatures that are larger than you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. Harried quarry MP48 13th Knockdown pounce MP 51 17th Blade and fang MP 52 27th Two-bea trike MP245 HUNTING SPEAR CHIEFTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Hunting Spear Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a spear and you have proficiency with that weapon , you gain the following two benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against creatures that are larger than you . You can lise a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Inspiring war cry PH 146 7th Surround foe PH 148 13th Fury of the sirocco 149 17th Deadly inspiration MP112 23rd Wounding focus MP115 27th Incite heroism PH 152 IRONSTAR STYLE Any flail or mace The Ironstar style originated with dwarf warriors who wielded flails and maces forged from the impervious ore offallen stars. Ironstar style adherents attack their enemies' weapons with such force that the foes can't make effective counterattacks. IRONSTAR STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with any flail or mace Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. When you are attacking with a flail or a mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you use a power associated with this feat and hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end ofyour next turn. Associated At-Will Powers: brash assault (warlord MP), marauder's rush (ranger MP2), reapin8 strike (fighter PH) IRONSTAR BRAVO [GREATER STYLE] Ict Prerequisite: Warlord, Ironstar Student feat CO Benefit: When you are attacking with a flail or a ~ mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you 0 U gain the following two benefits. Any enemy you score a critical hit against grants combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Warlord's strike PH 147 7th Provoke overextension MP107 13th Pincer maneuver MP110 Hrd Daring display MP114 IRONSTAR CRUSHER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, I ronstar Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a flail or a mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Any enemy you score a critical hit against is pushed 1 square. You can lise a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Crushmg blow PH 79 7th Reckless strike PH 80 13th Appalling crunch MP14 17th Boggling smash MP17 ------~---- PH84 Hrd Cage of chains 27th Adamantine strike PH 85 IRONSTAR MARAUDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, lronstar Student feat Benefit: When YOll are attacking with a flail or a mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Any enemy you score a critical hit against is pushed 1 square. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Parting strike MP235 7th Finishing cut MP237 17th Wolverine claw strike MP241 Hrd Flickering blades MP243 C H A PTER 5 I Martial Options

KULKOR BATTLEARM STYLE Any axe, hammer, or mace that has the versatile property Hobgoblins are among the fiercest military warriors in the world, and their arms masters are formidable foes indeed. The name associated with this style suggests that it might have originated among the goblin races. The Kulkor Battlearm technique suits a wide variety of hafted weapons. This pragmatic, effective style emphasizes pure striking power and solid teamwork. KULKOR BATTLEARM STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, rogue, or warlord; proficiency with any axe, hammer, or mace that has the versatile property Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. When you are attacking with an axe, a hammer, or a mace that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you use a power associated with this feat and hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. Associated At-Will Powers: disheartening strike (rogue MP), hit and run (ranger PH), tide ofiron (fighter PH), wolf pack tactics (warlord PH) KULKOR BATTLEARM CAPTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with an axe , a hammer, or a mace that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit a creature with a martial encounter power, any ally gains a +2 feat bonus to AC while adjacent to you until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Warlord's strike 7th Sunder armor 13th Denying smite 17th Battle on 23rd Wounding focus 27th Incite heroism KULKOR BATTLEARM HUNTER [GREATER STYLE] PH 147 PH 148 PH 149 PH 150 MP 115 PH 152 Prerequisite: Ranger, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options Benefit: When you are attacking with an axe, a hammer, Or a mace that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit a creature with a martial encounter power, any ally gains a +2 feat bonus to AC while adjacent to you until the end ofyour next turn . You can use a power associated with this feat in place ofa melee basic attack when charging. Thundertusk boar strikeJackal ploy 13th Armor splinter 17th Cheetah's rake Hrd Death rend "Only when used as a melee attack KULKOR BATTLEARM RATTLER [GREATER STYLE] MP49 PH 109 PH 110 PH 112 Prerequisite: Rogue, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat, Ruthless Ruman class feature Benefit: When you are attacking with an axe, a hammer, or a mace that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit a creature with a martial encounter power, any ally gains a +2 feat bonus to AC while adjacent to you until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source rd Enforced threat7th Dismaying slash 13th Daunting attack 17th Stinging squall Hrd Felling gash 27th Stupefying violence" "Only when used as a melee attack KULKOR BATTLEARM WARRIOR [GREATER STYLE] MP75 MP78 MP80 MP83 MP85 MP87 Prerequisite: Fighter, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with an axe, a hammer, or a mace that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit a creature with a martial encounter power, any ally gains a +2 feat bonus to AC while adjacent to you until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging.

level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Crushing blow PH 79 7th Stay down MP12 13th Crumpling slam MP14 17th Mountain breaking blow PH 83 Hrd Skullcrusher PH85 L EAF RUNNER STYLE Hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or sling This combat style emphasizes light ranged weapons, effective use ofterrain, and shooting on the run. The LeafRunner style is favored by elves, halflings, and other folk who prefer to wear down invaders. Practi­ tioners ofthis style use harassing attacks rather than standing toe-to-toe with foes. LEAF RUNNER STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, rogue, or warlord; profiCiency with hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or sling Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Stealth checks. Ifyou are attacking with a hand crossbow, a repeating crossbow, a shortbow, a shuriken, or a sling and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you gain a +1 bonus to speed until the end ofyour turn. Associated At-Will Powers: deft strike (rogue PH), nimble strike (ranger PH), paint the bull's eye (warlord MP2) LEAF RUNNER PATHFINDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Leaf Runner Student feat Benefit: Ifyou are attacking with a hand crossbow, a repeating crossbow, a shortbow, a shuriken, or a sling and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Your attacks with powers associated with this feat ignore cover and concealment. You can use a power associated with this feat as a ranged power instead ofa melee power. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Inspiring war cry PH 146 7th Surprise attack PH 148 13th Withdrawal gambit MP110 17th Battle on PH 150 Hrd Rabbits and wolves PH 151 27th Uplifting assault MP117 LEAF RUNNER SNEAK [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, LeafRunner Student feat Benefit: Ifyou are attacking with a hand crossbow, a repeating crossbow, a shortbow, a shuriken, or a sling and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following benefit. Your attacks with powers associated with this feat ignore cover and concealment and take only a -2 penalty to attack rolls against a target that has total concealment or superior cover. l eve l Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Shadow steel roW MP261 7th Killer's ambush' MP262 13th Numbing shot MP264 17th Surprising assault' MP267 Hrd Hammer shot PH 112 27th Perfect sniper MP271 'Only when used as a ranged attack FADE-AWAY GUERR1LLA STYLE The ranger Shalaris foresaw that her lands would inevitably fall to the Empire of Nerath. In addition to establishing training camps that spread her style of combat to resistance fighters, her forces also hid caches of e/ven cloaks to assist the guerrillas' hit-and-run tactics. A few ofthese caches remain today, guarded by angry ghosts. Alternative to leafRunner C H A PTE R 5 I Martial Options

LEAF RUNNER SNIPER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Leaf Runner Student feat Benefit: Ifyou are attacking with a hand crossbow, a repeating crossbow, a shortbow, a shuriken, or a sling and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following benefit. Your attacks with powers associated with this feat ignore cover and concealment and take only a -2 penalty to attack rolls against a target that has total concealment or superior cover. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Shadow wasp strike" PH 107 7th Hunter's shot MP49 13th Knockdown shot PH 109 17th Arrow of vengeance PH 110 Hrd Hobbling shot MP SS 'Only when used as a ranged attack LONGHAND STYLE Any two-handed polearm or two-handed spear The Longhand style developed among the bodyguards ofa noble house of the same name. A vain lady ofthe house insisted that her bodyguards train for hours each day so that they would fight with identical technique. Out ofher demands came the Longhand style, which employs an intimidating f10urish ofspears or polearms to drive back foes. LONGHAND STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or warlord; profiCiency with any two-handed polearm or two-handed spear Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. Ifyou are attacking with a two-handed polearm or a two-handed spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can push that enemy 1 square. Associated At-Will Powers: cleave (fighter PH), viper's strike (warlord PH) LONGHAND BRAVO [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Longhand Student feat Benefit: Ifyou are attacking with a two-handed polearm or a two-ha nded spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you hit an enemy with an attack power, you gain a +1 feat bonus to AC until the end ofyour next turn. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can push that enemy 2 squares. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Hold the line PH 146 7th Deadly returns MP107 13th Headstrong bravery MPll0 17th Battle on PH 150 Hrd Great dragon war cry PH 151 27th Brutal setup MP 116 LONGHAND GUARDIAN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Longhand Student feat Benefit: Ifyou are attacking with a two-handed polearm or a two-handed spear and you have profi· ciency with that weapon, you ga in the following two benefits. When you hit an enemy with an attack power, you gain a +1 feat bonus to AC until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Probing attack MP10 7th Griffon's wrath PH 80 17th Wild strike MP17 Hrd Paralyzing strike PH85 27th Adamantine strike PH 85 MIDNIGHT BLADE STYLE Any melee light blade Made famous by gangs of desperate thieves roaming the streets ofGloom wrought, the Midnight Blade style revolves around maneuverability and qUick strikes. A follower of this style is opportunistic, fights in concert with others, and uses qUick footwork to slip behind foes. This style has spread throughout the world as practitioners in Gloomwrought have expanded their enterprises to other seedy locations throughout the planes. MIDNIGHT BLADE STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter. ranger, or rogue; proficiency with any melee light blade Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. When you are attacking with a melee light blade and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you attack an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can target the enemy's Ref1ex instead ofAC. Associated At-Will Powers: dual strike (fi ghter MP),,9Loamin,9 cut (rogue MP2), throw and sLab (ranger MP2) C HAP TER 5 I Martial Options

MIDNIGHT BLADE BRAWLER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Midnight Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a melee light blade and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial encounter or daily power during your turn, you increase the distance you shift by 1 square until the end ofyour turn. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat. you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Advance lunge MP10 7th Sudden surge PH 80 13th Storm of blows PH 82 17th Driving flurry MP17 Hrd Meticulous stab MP19 27th Diamond shield defense PH 86 MIDNIGHT BLADE MARAUDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Midnight Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a melee light blade and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial encounter or daily power during your turn, you increase the distance you shift by 1 square until the end ofyour turn. You can use Dexterity instead ofStrength for attack rolls and damage rolls when using a power associated with this feat. sting 7th Sweeping whirlwind PH 108 13th Off-hand diversion MP51 17th Cheetah's rake PH 110 Hrd Nonchalant collapse MP55 27th Wandering tornado PH 113 MIDNIGHT BLADE WHISPERER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, Midnight Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a melee light blade and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial encounter or daily power during your turn, you increase the distance you shift by 1 square until the end ofyour turn. When you attack with a power associated with this feat, after the attack you can use a free action to shift 2 squares and make a Stealth check to become hidden. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Trickster's blade- PH 120 7th Dismaying slash MP 78 13th Cunning cyclone MP80 17th Blistering outburst MP82 Hrd Blindslde· MP84 27th Perfect strike· PH 126 ·Only when used as a melee attack MORADIN'S FORGE STYLE Any two-handed axe, two-handed hammer, or two-handed pick This ancient style traces its roots to dwarf heroes who battled giants during the war between the gods and the primordia Is. During their enslavement to the giants, the dwarves were forced to use any weapons at their disposal, so they turned their tools into weapons. This style revolves around the use oflarge picks and hammers. MORADIN'S FORGE STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or warlord; profiCiency with any two-handed axe, two-handed hammer, or twohanded pick Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. When you are attacking with a two-handed axe, a two-handed hammer, or a two-handed pick and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, the enemy takes a -1 penalty to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn. Associated At-Will Powers: crushinB surBe (fighter MP).jurious smash (warlord PH) MORADIN'S FORGE CHAMPION [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Moradin's Forge Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded axe, a two-handed hammer, or a two-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn against any attack that would immobilize, restrain, or slow you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Crushing blow PH 79 7th Griffon's wrath PH 80 13th Appalling crunch MP14 17th Exacting strike PH 83 Hrd Harrowing hammer MP19 27th Adamantine strike PH 85 MORADIN'S FORGE MARSHAL [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord , Moradin's Forge Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded axe, a two-handed hammer, or a two-handed pick and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn against any attack that would immobilize, restrain, or slow you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunityattack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Steel monsoon PH 147 7th Stirring force MP108 13th Ventured gains MP110 17th Hail of steel PH 150 Hrd Ringing clarity MP 115 27th Incite heroism PH 152 MOUNTAIN THUNDER STYLE Anyone-handed hammer, one-handed flail, or one-handed mace This style was developed to prevent enemies from invading goliaths' mountain homes. Goliaths found that shattering the limbs of a foe limbs was an effective way to halt its ascent. Mountain Thunder is a reckless style; its masters willingly put themselves in harm's way to land shattering blows. MOUNTAIN THUNDER STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, rogue, or warlord; proficiency with anyone-handed hammer, onehanded flail. or one-handed mace Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Endurance checks. When you are attacking with a one-handed hammer, a one-handed flail, or a one-handed mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the follOWing benefit. When you attack an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can target the enemy's Fortitude instead ofAC. Associated At-Will Powers: brash assault (warlord MP), disheartening strike (rogue MP), marauder's rush (ranger MP2), threatening rush (fighter MP2) MOUNTAIN THUNDER AVALANCHE [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Mountain Thunder Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded hammer, a one-handed flail, or a one-handed mace and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn against effects that daze or stun. When you attack with a power associated with this feat, you can shift 2 squares before the attack as a free action. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Thundertusk boar strike· PH 107 7th Twofold flinch MP49 13th Nimble defense PH 109 17th Untamed outburst MP53 Hrd Avalanche of fury MP243 27th Death rend PH 112 'Only when used as a melee attack MOUNTAIN THUNDER CONQUEROR [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Mountain Thunder Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded hammer, a one-handed flail. or a one-handed mace and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn against effects that daze or stun. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you knock that enemy prone. 7th Sacrificial lure MP107 13th Ventured gains MP 110 17th Thunderous fury PH 150 Hrd Daring display MP114 27th Warlord's doom PH 152 MOUNTAIN THUNDER CRASHER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, Ruthless Ruffian class fea ­ ture, Mountain Thunder Student feat CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

0 Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded hammer, a one-handed nail, or a one-handed mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits_ Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn against effects that daze or stun_ When you attack with a power associated with this feat, the power gains the rattling keyword (page 57)_ Level Associated Encounter Power Source I 3rd Setup strike PH 120 7th Pinning blade MP263 13th Fool's opportunity PH 122 17th Stab and grab PH 124 23rd Knave's gambit PH 125 27th Sheathe the blade MP171 MOUNTAIN THUNDER RAMPART [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Mountain Thunder Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded hammer, a one-handed flail, or a one -handed mace and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits_ Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn against effects that daze or stun _ When you attack with a power associated with this feat, the power gains the invigorating keyword (page 7)_ PH 79 PH 80 PH 81 17th Exacting strike PH 83 23rd Skullcrusher PH85 27th Indomitable battle strike PH 86 SlMR10N'S FLOUR1SH STYLE The duelist Simrion Marcolicos, known for his compulsive risk-taking and his desire to impress the crowds that came to watch him fight, popularized a warhammer fighting technique characterized by a wide, looping swing. Opponents that moved in on Simrion's apparent vulnerability were caught unaware by his weapon's returning are, to the delight of the audience. When a fighter thinks something looks too good to be true or carries a hidden danger, he or she might mutter that it is "like Simrion's hammer_" Alternative to Mountain Thunder NERATHAN 1Il UJ ...J HIGH BLADE STYLE >­ IAny heavy blade that has the versatile property 1/\ The knights ofNerath developed a straightforward ~ heavy blade style for pressing forward in the thick of CO melee_ The style employs a high guard with power- ~ ful downward strokes and short advances designed U to clear space. Though Nerath is no more, the style remains popular. NERATHAN HIGH BLADE STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with any heavy blade that has the versatile property Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Endurance checks. When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the versatile property and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the follOWing benefit. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll for each enemy adjacent to you_ Associated At-Will Powers: hit and nm (ranger PH), threaten ina rush (fighter MP2), viper's strike (warlord PH) NERATHAN HIGH BLADE CAPTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Nerathan High Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the versatile property and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits_ Enemies adjacent to you don't gain the +2 bonus to attack rolls against you for having combat advantage. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunityattack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Inspiring war cry PH 146 7th Deadly returns MP107 13th Denying smite PH 149 17th Battle on PH 150 Hrd Quickening force MPl15 27th Incite heroism PH 152 NERATHAN HIGH BLADE DUELIST [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Nerathan High Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the versatile property and you have C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Enemies adjacent to YOll don't gain the +2 bonus to attack rolls against you for having combat advantage. You can use Dexterity instead ofStrength for attack rolls and damage rolls when using a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Ruffling sting MP46 7th Claws of the griffon PH 108 13th Off-hand diversion MP 51 17th Cheetah's rake PH 110 Hrd Avalanche of fury MP243 27th Death rend PH 112 NERATHAN HIGH BLADE SOLDIER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Nerathan High Blade Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a heavy blade that has the versatile property and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Enemies adjacent to you don't gain the +2 bonus to attack rolls against you for having combat advantage. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Dance of steel PH 79 7th Iron bulwark PH 80 13th Stranglehold A!!,>215 17th Shifting blade MP217 Hrd Fangs of steel PH 84 27th Blood rush MP22 lNFERNAL R EG1'MENT STYLE This style was first codified by the resourceful commanders charged with developing military instruction manuals for the phalanxes of legion devils serving Bael Turath. None of the manuals have ever been fou nd. but one phrase. "Time to throw down your shield," has survived and is still used by tieflings. They speak it at the moment when a defensive line breaks and they must fight on the offensive to prevail. Alternative to Nerathan Hi8h Slade NINTH LEGION STYLE Anyone-handed pick or one-handed spear A century ago, the Ninth Legion commanded fear and respect from warriors across the lands. The dragonborn soldiers in this force were never defeated. They owed their success to their fighting style, which used spears and picks along with heavy shields. The weapons allowed for quick strikes, while the shields protected the wearer and nearby allies. NINTH LEGION STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or warlord; proficiency with anyone-handed pick or one-handed spear Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to InSight checks. When you are attacking with a one-handed pick or a one-handed spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. Ifyou are using a shield, you can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. Associated At-Will Powers: crushing surge (fighter MP), direct the strike (warlord MP2) NINTH LEGION SHIELD [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Ninth Legion Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a one· handed pick or a one-handed spear and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Allies adjacent to you gain a +2 feat bonus to AC and Reflex against attacks from enemies adjacent to you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place ofa melee basic attack when making an attack as a result ofyour Combat Challenge class feature. 7th Bludgeoning vise MP212 13th Talon gfthe roc ~ 17th Shifting blade MP217 Hrd Meticulous stab MP19 27th Blood rush MP22 VEDA'S HONOR STYLE Veda arose from within an elite band of bodyguards and developed a style of fighting that those guards used to great effect. Its emphasis on opportunity attacks was inspired by the way she used her small and ha rmless appea rance to inspire foes to relax their guard. Her legend tells of the times she defended her charge's life at the risk of her own. Alternative to Ninth Le8ion CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

NINTH LEGION COMMANDER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord. Ninth Legion Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded pick or a one-handed spear and you have proficiency with that weapon. you gain the following two benefits. Allies adjacent to you gain a +2 feat bonus to AC and Reflcx against attacks from enemies adjacent to you. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Warlord's strike PH 147 7th Sacrificial lure MP107 13th Bolstering blow PH 149 17th Girding strike MP 112 23rd Blood begets blood MPl14 27th Warlord's doom PH 152 OGREMIGHT STYLE Any two-handed hammer or two-handed mace The Ogremight style is simple and effective. Its adherents overwhelm foes with a rain ofmighty blows. beating down guards and smashing shields. Strength and physical intimidation make up for any lack ofprecision or defense. Half-orcs and goliaths favor this style. OGREMIGHT STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: fighter or warlord; proficiency with any two-handed hammer or two-handed mace Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. When you are attacking with a two-handed VI UJ hammer or a two-handed mace and YOll have profi­ ...J ciency with that weapon. you also gain the following >­ ~ benefit. VI When you hit an enemy with a power associated ~ with this feat. that enemy ta kes a -1 penalty to all CO defenses until the end ofyour next turn. ~ Associated At-Will Powers: brash assault (war­ o u lord MP). brash strike (fighter MP) OGREMIGHT BRUISER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: fighter. Ogremight Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded hammer or a two-handed mace and you have proficiency with that weapon. you gain the following two benefits. Whenever YOll charge. you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. Associated Encounter Power Source Crushing blow PH 79 Reckless strike PH 80 Anvil of doom PH 81 Mountain breaking blow PH 83 Harrowing hammer MP19 Indomitable battle strike PH 86 OGREMIGHT RAVAGER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord. Ogremight Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded hammer or a two-handed mace and you have level 3rd 7th 13th 17th 23rd 27th

proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two beneflts. Whenever you charge, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Warlord's strike PH 147 7th Sacrificial lure MP107 13th Headstrong_bravery MPll0 17th Thunderous fury PH 150 Hrd Blood begets blood MP 114 PARTISAN POLEARM STYLE Any nonspear polearm Mercenaries trained by the Partisan School a re coveted throughout the world. Founded on the principles ofloyalty, excellence, and discipline, their record is faultless. Warriors who study the school's flght· ing style master polearms, such as the glaive or the halberd. These students learn that a weapon's haft and blunt parts are as potent as its blade. A war· rior trained in the Partisan Polearm style can use a weapon to shove enemies away and knock them to the ground. PARTISAN POLEARM STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or warlord; proficiency with any nonspear polearm Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to History checks. When you are attacking with a nonspear polearm and you have proflciency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you kn0ck that enemy prone. Associated At-Will Powers: sure strike (fighter PH), viper's strike (warlord PH) PARTISAN POLEARM INFANTRY [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Partisan Polearm Student feat HOUSE OF FALLA X STYLE Warriors from the coastal city-state of Fallax have their own story of the origin of the Partisan Polearm style. The city-state's long-ago ruler was obsessed with the varieties of polearms, and she tasked her generals with developing new forms of combat using those weapons. The Partisan School, which teaches the style, has a shield emblazoned with the three blue diamonds of Fallax's heraldry as its symbol. Alternative to Partisan Polearm CH A PT E R 5 I Martial Options Benefit: When you are attacking with a nonspear polearm and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two beneflts. You gain combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn against any enemy you push. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when charging. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Dance ofsteel PH 79 7th Stay down MP12 13th Silverstep PH 81 17th Harrying assault PH 83 Hrd Paralyzing strike PH 85 27th Desperate strike MP22 PARTISAN POLEARM CAPTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord. Partisan Polearm Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a nonspear polearm and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two beneflts. You gain combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn against any enemy you push. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat. you can push the enemy 2 squares. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Hold the line PH 146 7th Stirring force MP108 13th Signal the charge MP290 17th Into the breach! MPl13 23..!L Great dragon war cry PH 151 27th Resourceful triumph MP195 REAVING AXE STYLE Any one·handed axe Not all fighting styles are elegant. Many are crude and vicious, favoring swift kills over elegance. The Reaving Axe style is such a technique. Invented by seafarers who raided towns and cities along the coastline. the style is distinguished by its grip. A practitioner of the reaving axe style chokes up on the haft for close·quarters fighting. Masters of the style hurl axes and deliver swift cuts to the legs to immobilize fo es. Warriors trained in this style also employ shields to help deflect attacks from cornered victims. REAVING AXE STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter. ranger or warlord; profi· ciency with any one· handed axe Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks.

When you are attacking with a one-handed axe and you have proficiency with that weapon. you also gain the following benefit. When you hit an unbloodied enemy with a power associated with this feat. it takes damage equal to your Constitution modifier ifit moves more than 2 squares before the end ofits next turn. Associated At-Will Powers: brash assault (warlord IV'P). marauder's rush (ranger MP2). reapina strike (fighter PH) REAVING AXE BRUTE [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter. Reaving Axe Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded axe and you have proficiency with that weapon. you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy, you also knock that enemy prone. and the first time it stands up before the end ofyour next turn. it provokes an opportunity attack. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an oppor· tunityattack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Blinding smash MP10 7th Griffon's wrath PH 80 13th Appalling crunch MP14 17th Warrior's challenge PH 83 Brd Hack 'n' slash PH 84 27th Blood rush MP22 REAVING AXE SLAYER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger. Reaving Axe Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a onehanded axe and you have proficiency with that weapon. you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy, you also knock that enemy prone, and the first time it stands up before the end ofyour next turn. it provokes an opportunity attack. You can use Strength instead of Dexterity for attack rolls and damage rolls when using a power associated with this feat. 7th Hawk's talon· PH 108 13th Bloodlust strike· MPSO 17th Arrow of vengeance PH 110 23rd Hobbling shot MP55 27th Lightning shot PH 113 ·Only when used as a ranged attack REAVING AXE TYRANT III UJ [GREATER STYLE] ...J ~ Prerequisite: Warlord, Reaving Axe Student feat IBenefit: When you are attacking with a one· III l­ handed axe and you have proficiency with that e:( weapon, you gain the following two benefits. CO o Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy. you also knock that enemy prone, and the u first time it stands up before the end ofyour next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack. You can use a power associated with this feat as a ranged power instead of a melee power. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Steel monsoon PH 147 7th War of attrition MP108 13th Beat them into the ground PH 149 17th Deadly inspiration MP112 Brd Shutdown smite MP115 RED CLOAK STYLE Longsword, rapier, or short sword Named for the crimson garments worn by the duelists who first mastered this style. the Red Cloak style originated within a gUild of assassins in Nerath. Central to the style is the riposte. in which a warrior knocks aside an incoming attack and delivers a punishing counterstrike before the foe can offer any defense. This method requires speed. so those trained in the style use light. fast weapons. such as rapiers. longswords. and short swords. RED CLOAK STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or rogue; profiCiency with longsword. rapier. or short sword Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. Benefit: When you are attacking with a longsword, a rapier, or a short sword and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. When you use a power associated with this feat to attack an enemy granting combat advantage to you. you gain a +1 bonus to AC and ReOex until the start ofyour next turn. Associated At-Will Powers:footwork lure (fighter MP), riposte strike (rogue PH) DEFLECT1NG HAND STYLE This approach to fencing evolved in occupied territories where Nerath suppressed both the private ownership of weapons and the pursuit of blood feuds. When the empire fell, these factors contributed to a culture of duels that drew on the techniques of unarmed fighting developed during the oppression. Alternative to Red Cloak CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

RED CLOAK RAKE [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, Red Cloak Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a longsword, a rapier, or a short sword and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you score a critical hit against an enemy, that enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd" Flamboyant strike MP75 7th Rogue's luck· PH 121 13th Fool's opportunity PH 122 17th Hounding strike· PH 124 Hrd Tendon tear MP269 27th Skirmishing strike MP87 'Only when used as a melee attack RED CLOAK TOUGH [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Red Cloak Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a longsword, a rapier, or a short sword and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. When you score a critical hit against an enemy, you mark each enemy adjacent to that enemy. The mark lasts until the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place of a melee basic attack when making an opportunity attack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source Armor-piercing thrust PH 79 Reckless strike PH 80 Storm of blows ' PH 82 Exacting strike PH 83 Indomitable battle strike PH 86 RENDING CHAINS STYLE Any flail Masters ofthe Rending Chains fighting style first appeared in Zoronor, a sinister city on the borders ofthe warlike plane ofChernoggar. The bladeling warriors there have acquired a reputation for cruelty, because they kill their foes in excruciating ways. Gladiators and pit fighters in dismal, violent cities throughout the Astral Sea and the mortal world have since copied this style. Favoring spiked chains and flails, a Rending Chains practitioner wraps his or her weapon around an enemy and then pulIs the chain free to send the enemy reeling. RENDING CHAINS STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, ranger, or warlord; proficiency with any flail Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate checks. When you are attacking with a flail and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the fol ­ lowing benefit. Whenever you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you slide that enemy 1 square to a square adjacent to you. Associated At-Will Powers: hit and run (ranger PH), reapin9 strike (fighter PH), viper's strike (warlord PH) RENDING CHAINS GRAPPLER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter, Rending Chains Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a flail and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the folIowing two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, it takes damage equal to your Dexterity modifier ifit shifts before the end ofyour next turn. When you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, that enemy is slowed until the end of your next turn. 7th Reckless strike PH 80 13th Chains of sorrow PH 81 17th Mountain breaking blow PH 83 27th Blood rush MP22 RENDING CHAINS FLAYER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Rending Chains Student feat Benefit: 'When you are attacking with a flail and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, it takes damage equal to your Wisdom modifier ifit shifts before the end ofyour next turn. You can use Dexterity instead ofStrength for attack roIls and damage roIls when using a power associated with this feat. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Leonine surge MP46 7th Claws of the griffon PH 108 13th Armor splinter PH 109 17th Untamed outburst MP 53 Hrd Nonchalant collapse MP 55 27th Death rend PH 112 C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

RENDING CHAINS WARMASTER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Rending Chains Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a nail and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, it takes damage equal to your Wisdom modifier ifit shifts before the end ofyour next turn. You can use a power associated with this feat in place ofa melee basic attack. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Inspiring war cry PH 146 7th Deadly returns MP107 13th Bolstering blow PH 149 17th Into the breach! MPl13 Hrd Wounding focus MP 115 27th Warlord's doom PH 152 SILENT SHOT STYLE Shortbow or any crossbow Although the best archers scoff at crossbows and shortbows, the Silent Shot style demonstrates that these weapons can be potent in the right hands. Focusing on speed and accuracy, masters of this fight· ing style snap off quick shots and then speed away before foes can find the source ofthe attack. The style depends on positioning and subtlety, so it appeals to those who have a talent for stealth. SILENT SHOT STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger or rogue; proficiency with short bow or any crossbow Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Stealth checks. When you are attacking with a shortbow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you also gain the following benefit. Whenever you use a power associated with this feat and hit a creature you are hidden from, you deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. PASSAGEWAY GHOST STYLE The halfling servants in Merrendral's Hall were forced to hide their comings and goings from their elf rulers. Their lowly status proved to be their salvation when the ha ll was captured. Accustomed to stealth, the ha lfl ings raided the armory and hid loaded crossbows behind the castle's secret doors. By attacking the invaders from these cavities, they were able to eventually drive away the interlopers. The halflings' unseen style ofattack established the legend of a haunted hall, which kept them safe for generations. Alternative to Silent Shot C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

Associated At-Will Powers: careful attack (ranger PH), 8!oamil18 cut (rogue MP2) SILENT SHOT HUNTER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Ranger, Silent Shot Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a shortbow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to Perception checks until the end ofyour next turn. When you attack with a power associated with this feat, you can shift 2 squares before the attack as a free action. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Shadow wasp strike· PH 107 7th Hunter's shot MP49 13th Knockdown shot PH 109 17th Blow-through assault" MP 53 23rd Hammer shot PH 112 27th Lightning shot PH 113 'Only when used as a ranged attack SILENT SHOT PHANTOM [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Rogue, Silent Shot Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a shortbow or a crossbow and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following two benefits. Whenever you hit an enemy with a martial power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to Perception checks until the end ofyour next turn. \,yhen you attack with a power associated with this feat, you can use a free action before the attack to shift 2 squares and make a Stealth check to become hidden. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Trickster's blade" PH 120 7th Rogue's luck' PH 121 13th Powerful shot MP80 17th Guerrilla blitz' MP82 23rd Blindside" MP84 27th Perfect strike" PH 126 •Only when used as a ranged attack STEEL VANGUARD STYLE Any two-handed heavy blade An elite mercenary company, the Steel Vanguard sells its services to anyone who can pay. The fighting style from which the mercenaries take their name is far older than the company. but Steel Vanguard warriors are its most renowned masters. Using longbladed weapons. a warrior trained in this style can CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options hew several enemies at once. sweeping the great blade around to lop offlimbs and heads. STEEL VANGUARD STUDENT [LESSER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter or warlord; proficiency with any two-handed heavy blade Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. \Vhcn you are attacking with a two-handed heavy blade and you have proficiency with that weapon. you a)so gain the following benefit. When attacking with a power associated with this feat. you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Associated At-Will Powers: cleave (fighter PH). viper's strike (warlord PH) STEEL VANGUARD SOLDIER [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Fighter. Steel Vanguard Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded heavy blade and you have proficiency with that weapon, you gain the following benefit. When attacking with a power associated with this feat, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Parry and riposte MP10 7th Iron bulwark PH 80 13th Storm of blows PH 82 17th Skirmisher pounce MP17 23rd Turnabout riposte MP20 27th Coward's reward MP22 STEEL VANGUARD CAPTAIN [GREATER STYLE] Prerequisite: Warlord, Steel Vanguard Student feat Benefit: When you are attacking with a twohanded heavy blade and you have profiCiency with that weapon, you gain the following benefit. When attacking with a power associated with this feat. you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Level Associated Encounter Power Source 3rd Hold the line PH 146 7th Phalanx assault MP107 13th Grim mark MP110 17th Deadly inspiration MPl12 23rd Rabbits and wolves PH 151 27th Eye of the storm MP 116

.-.--.-.-_._-.-.--.-.--.-._.­ NEW FEATS / Feats provide you with hundreds of options for customizing your character, allowing you to build almost any martial hero you can imagine. You must meet a feat's prerequisites, if any, to select the feat. Ifyou ever lose a prerequisite for a feat (for example, you use the retraining rules to replace training in a required skill with training in a different skill), you can't use that feat until you meet the prerequisites again. A feat that has a class as a prerequisite is available either to characters of that class or to characters who have chosen a multiclass feat associated with that class. HEROIC TIER F£ATS Feats in this section are available to characters of any level who meet the prerequisites. ACTION RUSH Prerequisite: Human, ranger or rogue Benefit: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can shift 2 squares as a free action before or after the extra action. AGILE RUNNING ATTACK Prerequisite: Ranger, Running Attack class feature Benefit: When you move as part of using a ranger attack power, you ignore difficu1t terrain. AGILE STAND Prerequisite: Ranger or rogue Benefit: Whenever you use a move action to stand up, you can also shift 1 square. AMBUSH TACTICS Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: The first enemy you damage during the first round ofan encounter takes Id6 extra damage if it has not yet acted. ARCHER CAPTAIN Prerequisite: Warlord, Archer Warlord class feature Benefit: You and any ally within 5 squares ofyou V') I­ ignore the penalty for attacking at long range. < w u. ARMORED ENDURANCE TRAINING Prerequisite: Any martial class ~ Benefit: You don't take an armor check penalty to Z your Strength- or Constitution-based skill checks. ARMORED SWIFTNESS TRAINING Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: You don't take an armor check penalty to your Dexterity-based skill checks. ARMORED WARLORD Prerequisite: Warlord, Battlefront Leader class feature Benefit: You gain proficiency with scale armor, and you increase your number of healing surges by one. BARRELING CHARGE Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you charge with a reach weapon, you can end your charge in the nearest square adjacent to the target of the charge. BLOOD QUARRY Prerequisite: Tiefling, ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: The bonus to attack rolls from your Bloodhunt racial trait increases to +2 against a creature deSignated as your quarry. BRAWLER GUARD Prerequisite: Fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: You gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex while you wield a weapon in one hand and your other hand is free. BRUTAL BRAWLER Prerequisite: Fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: The damage die ofyour unarmed attacks increases to Id6. Your damage die for spiked gauntlets (Adventurer's Vault, page 9) increases to Id8. NONCOMBAT FEATS When selecting feats, it's tempting to focus your choices investIng a feat or two In unconventional areas can go a long solely on options that enhance or improve your combat way toward making a more Interesting and well-rounded capabilities. Battle is a large part of the D UNGEONS & character. Skill Training lets you contribute to more types DRAGONS game, but it's not the only part. In addition to of checks In skill challenges, and Skill Focus makes you the delving into dungeons, you might find yourself drawn into authority in a specific area. linguist broadens your options mysteries, negotiations, exploration, and more-challenges to interact with monsters, and perhaps enables you to in which combat either is not an option or is not the best circumvent unnecessary combat. Ritual Caster alows you one. Remember, over thirty levels, you'll pick up at least to contribute to the party's needs beyond firing arrows and eighteen feats (more depending on race and class), so swinging swords. C HAPT E H 5 I Martial Options

HEROIC TIER FEATS Any Martial Class Other Prerequisites Ambush Tactics Armored Endurance Training Armored Swiftness Training Barreling Charge Crushing Mace Dragonborn Channeling Dragonborn Draw First Blood Formation Fighting Gnome Weapon Training Gnome Infernal Might Tietling Martial Adaptation Martial Dilettante Half-elf Martial Flexibili!y Martial Ploy Martial Readiness Martial Versatility Nimble Dodge Haltling Overrun Critical Practiced Prodigy Practiced Study Practiced Study Precision Throw Redoubled Efforts Resilience of Stone Dwarf Rumbling Earthshock Genasi, earths hock CHANGELING'S MARK Prerequisite: Changeling, fighter Benefit: You can expend your chan8elin8 trick racial power to mark each enemy adjacent to you until the end ofyour next turn. This effect replaces the power's normal effect. CONSTRICTING SERPENT Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (serpent) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack. that creature is also immobilized until the end ofthe creatu re's next tu rn. BEAST COMPANION FEATS The heroic tier feats in this book that have the Beast Mastery class feature as a prerequisite allow your beast companion to contribute to the fight when you have been knocked unconscious or your beast companion becomes involved in a fight that you can't join. Although your beast companion can't provide the kind of support you would in combat, your party members will appreciate the extra help. Benefit ld6 extra damage against enemy that has not yet acted No armor penalty to Strength and Constitution skills No armor penalty to Dexteri~y skills Charge to adjacent square with reach weapon +2 damage with basic attac:.ks using mace Expend drayon breath for extra damage on a hit Undamaged enemy takes extra damage Bonus to opportunity attacks when allies near an enemy Proficiency and damage bonus with hammers and picks Extra damage with infernal wrath Swap daily power after extended rest Use Dilettante power twice per encounter Swap martial utility power after extenc!ed rest Ally rolls twice on attack if you use aid another Swap martial at-will attack power after extended rest Swap martial encounter attack power after extended rest Second chance gives -5 penalty and enemy can't crit Critical hit on charge pushes enemy and knocks it prone Learn two martial practices, add more as you gain levels Learn and use martial practices Use Dexterity for ranged asic attac s with llirown weapons Gain +2 attack instead of bonus to defenses after second wind cond wind as immediate interrupt when damaged Deal extra damage with earthshock CRUSHING MACE Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with melee basic attacks that use a mace. DARKFIRE STRIKE Prerequisite: Drow, fighter Benefit: When you hit a creature marked by you with a melee attack, you can use your darkfire against that creature as a free action. Using darkfire in this way doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. DEADEYE SLINGER Prerequisite: Rogue Benefit: You treat slings as having a +3 proficiency bonus and the high crit weapon property. DEFENSIVE THROW Prerequisite: Ranger, Marauder Fighting Style class feature Benefit: Whenever you make a melee attac k, your ranged attacks with thrown weapons don't provoke opportunity attacks until the start ofyour next turn. DIRECTING INSPIRATION Prerequisite: Warlord, inspirin8 word power Benefit: When you use inspirin8 word, the target gains either a +1 bonus to attack rolls with ranged or area attacks or a +1 bonus to all defenses against ranged or area attacks. The bonus lasts until the end ofyour next turn. C HA PTE R 5 I Martial Options

HEROIC TIER FEATS CONT. VI Fighter Feat Brawler Guard Brutal Brawler Changeling's Mark Darkfire Strike Dragonclaw Mark Eladrin's Challenge Elven Sidestep Goliath Crusher Hip Throw Inescapable Hold Longtooth Fury Marked Fury Memory of a Thousand Battles Razorclaw Mark Telepathic Mark Trickster's Mark Versatile Talent Warforged Superiority Wrenching Gras ~ UJ u.. $ UJ Z Other Prerequisites Brawler Style Brawler Style Changeling Drow Dragonborn Eladrin Elf Goliath Brawler Style Brawler Style Longtooth shifter Deva Razorclaw shifter Benefit +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex when one hand IS free Increase damage of unarmed attack and spiked gauntlet Use changeling trick to mark adjacent enemies Use dark fire when you hit a marked creature Marked creature takes extra damage from dragon breath While you use longsword or spear, marked enemies take -3 penalty to attack rolls Don't provoke when moving away from your marked enemies When attacking a marked creature, your mace has high crit Knock enemy prone when you crit on a grab or a martial power that grabs Resist grab escape attempts with Fortitude +4 damage against marked creatures while you're shifting Extra penalty to marked enemy's attack Expend memory ofa thousand lifetimes to reroll attacks with reliable power Marked creatures take -3 penalty while you're shifting Kalashtar __----==~_ ""a crit, mark enemies within range of telepathy Gnome Human, Fighter Weapon Talent Warforged, Combat Superiority Brawler St Ie _ DRAGONBORN CHANNELING Prerequisite: Dragonborn. any martial class Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a martial power. you can expend your dra8an breath racial power to deal extra damage to that enemy. Determine the amount ofdamage and the type ofdamage dealt by rolling damage as if you had hit with dra80n breath. DRAGONCLAW MARK Prerequisite: Dragonborn, fighter Benefit: Your dra80n breath racial power deals extra damage equal to your Strength modifier to CI eatures marked by you. DRAW FIRST BLOOD Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: Your basic attacks against undamaged enemies deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. ELADRIN'S CHALLENGE Prerequisite: Eladrin. fighter Benefit: When YOll are wielding a longsword or any spear, enemies marked by you take a -3 penalty to attack rolls for being marked instead ofa -2 penalty. ELVEN SIDESTEP Prerequisite: Elf, fighter Benefit: \\Then you move, the first square ofyour movement does not provoke opportunity attacks from enemies you have marked. Use ghost sound to mark enemy Gain Fighter Weapon Talent with both weapon types Knock creature prone when using Combat Superiority --=D,.,e=al Dex modifier damage with failed grab EXPERT COMBAT LEADER Prerequisite: Warlord. Combat Leader class feature Benefit: The bonus to initiative from Combat Leader increases to +3. EXPLOSIVE LEADER Prerequisite: Genasi. warlord; earthshock,firepulse. or promise ofstorm Benefit: When you hit an enemy using your earthshock,firepulse, or promise ofstorm racial power. your allies gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy until the end of your next turn. FEARLESS SEEKER Prerequisite: Goliath. ranger. Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: When your quarry hits you with a mclee attack. you can use your stone's endurance racial power as an immediate interrupt. FEYBORN SHROUD Prerequisite: Int 13. gnome. warlord, it/spirill8 word power Benefit: When you use inspirin8 word. the target gains concealment until the end ofyour next turn. FLANK ON THE RUN Prerequisite: Ranger, Running Attack class feature CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

HEROIC TIER FEATS CONT. Ranger Feat Other Prerequisites Action Rush Human Agile Running Attack Running Attack Agile Stand Blood Quarry Tiefling, Hunter's Quarry Constricting Serl?,ent Beast Mastery (serpent) Defensive Throw Marauder Fighting Style Fearless Seeker Goliath, Hunter's Quarry Flank on the Run Running Attack Furious Charge Half-orc, Hunter's Quarry Goring Boar Beast Mastery (boar) Harrying Raptor Beast Mastery (raptor) Hobbling Strike Hunter's Quarry Manticore's Fury Mauling Bear Beast Mastery (bear) Pouncing Cat Beast Mastery (cat) Savage Wolf Beast Mastery (wolf) Second Shot Hunter's Quarr): Shifting Companion Shifter, Beast Mastery Snapping Lizard Beast Mastery (lizardl Staggering Strike Hunter's Quarry Swift Footwork Twilight Training Human Venomous_Spider Beast Mastery (spider Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an enemy and move to another square adjacent to that enemy, you do not provoke an opportunity attack from that enemy for leaving your square. FORMATION FIGHTING Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: Whenever you make an opportunity attack against an enemy, you gain a bonus to the Benefit Shift 2 squares after spending action point Ignore difficult terrain when moving as part of an attack Shift when stan~ing ul> +2 attack when using Bloodhunt against quarry While independent, beast immobilizes creatures Opportunity attacks provoked by thrown weapons are delayed Use stone's endurance when hit by quarry's melee attack Don't provoke when moving around enemy and remaining adjacent Expend furious assault to reroll charge attack While independent, beast pushes creatures While independent, beast makes creatures grant combat advantage Give up 1 die of Hunter's Quarry damage to slow enemy Extra damage when mixing melee and ranged attacks While independent, beast grabs creatures While independent, beast iJttac agaio jlfter charge hits While independent, beast knocks creatures prone DesigM te seffi.nd-nearest enemy as quarry Beast companion shares effects of shifting While independent, beast damages creature that moves away Give up die of Hunter's Quarry damage to push enemy Increase your shifts from encounter and daily powers by 2 Gain low· light vision While independent, beast slows creatures and gives -2 attack attack roll and the damage roll equal to the number ofyour allies adjacent to that enemy. FURIOUS CHARGE Prerequisite: Half-orc, ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: When you miss your quarry with a charge attack, you can expend yourfurious assault racial power to reroll the charge's attack roll. Ifthe attack hits, you deal l [W] extra damage to your quarry. C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

HEROIC TIER FEATS CONT. Rogue Feat Other Prerequisites Action Rush Human Agile Stand Deadeye Slinger Hidden Pulse Genasi,firepuise, Sneak Attack Improved Cunning Sneak Cunning Sneak lethal Hammer Training Dwarf Menacing Thug Half-ore Opportunity Knocks Risky Shift Startling Distraction Ghost sound Swift Footwork Treetop Sniper Elf Warlord Feat Other Prerequisites Archer Captain Archer Warlord Armored Warlord Battlefront leader Directing Inspiration Inspiriny word Expert Combat leader Combat leader Explosive leader Genasi; earthshock, firepulse, or promise ofstorm Feyborn Shroud Int 13, gnome, inspiriny word Guide the Shot Guiding Step Elf Improved Insight Insightful Presence Improved Skirmishing Skirmishing Presence Inspirational Attacker Inspiriny word Inspiring Breath Dragonborn lend Strength Shared Memories Deva Speed of Sea and Sky Genasi, swiftcurrent or windwa/ker Warpath leader Half-ore, Combat leader GNOME WEAPON TRAINING Prerequisite: Gnome, any martial class Benefit: You gain proficiency with simple and military hammers and picks and gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with such weapons. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level. GOLIATH CRUSHER Prerequisite: Goliath, fighter Benefit: Whenever you use a mace to attack a creature marked by you, you treat the mace as haVing the high crit property. GORING BOAR Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (boar) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. ill Benefit roe( Shift 2 squares after spending action point UJ LJ.. Shift when standing up Gain +3 proficiency bonus with slings and treat as high crit $ UJ Extra damage with firepuise if you have combat advantage Z Move 1 square less to gain benefit of Cunning Sneak feature Use hammers with Sneak Attack and rogue powers Gain combat advantage on hits with furious assault Gain combat advantage after some opportunity attacks Shift 1 extra square and grant combat advantage After using yhost sound, roll twice on Stealth checks Increase your shifts from encounter and daily powers by 2 Use bow with Sneak Attack and rogue exploits Benefit You and allies ignore long range penalty Gain proficiency with scale armor and one extra healing surge Target of insplriny word gains +1 attack or defense for ranged and area attacks Combat leader initiative bonus increases to +3 Allies gain +2 to hit enemy hit by your racial power Target of inspiriny word gains concealment Ally ignores concealment and cover on attacks )Iou grant Allies ignore difficult terrain when you let them shift Insightful Presence can grant greater bonus to single defense Ally benefiting from Skirmishing Presence gains +1 to attack Inspiriny word heals extra hp if target is adjacent to enemy you hit Allies gain +5 damage against enemies hit by drayon breath AIJy gains +2 damage with basic attack you grant Use memory ofa thousand lifetimes on adjacent ally's roll Elemental manifestation power grants allies speed bonus Allies within 5 squares gain +2 speed when charging While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a charge attack, that creature is also pushed 2 squares away from the beast. GUIDE THE SHOT Prerequisite: Warlord Benefit: Whenever you grant an ally a ranged basic attack, that ally's attack ignores cover and concealment (but not superior cover or total concealment). GUIDING STEP Prerequisite: Elf, warlord Benefit: Whenever you use a power that lets your allies shift, they ignore difficult terrain during the shift. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

HARRYING RAPTOR Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (raptor) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack, that creature grants combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn. HIDDEN PULSE Prerequisite: Genasi, rogue,firepulse, Sneak Attack class feature Benefit: Ifyou have combat advantage against the target ofyourfirepul se racial power, you can deal your Sneak Attack damage to the target. This use doesn't count toward your use ofSneak Attack for this round. HIP THROW Prerequisite: Fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a grab attack or a martial power that allows you to grab a creature, you also knock that creature prone. HOBBLING STRIKE Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: Whenever you would deal Hunter's Quarry damage, you can forgo one die of that damage to slow the target until the end ofyour next turn. IMPROVED CUNNING SNEAK Prerequisite: Rogue, Cunning Sneak class feature Benefit: When you make a Stealth check to become hidden using your Cunning Sneak class feature, you must end a move action at least 2 squares away from your starting position instead of3. IMPROVED INSIGHT Prerequisite: Warlord, Insightful Presence class feature Benefit: When an ally benefits from your Insightful Presence class feature, that ally can forgo the normal bonus to all defenses to instead gain a bonus to a single defense equal to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier until the end ofyour next turn. IMPROVED SKIRMISHING Prerequisite: Warlord, Skirmishing Presence class feature Benefit: When an ally who can see you spends an action pOint to attack, that ally gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls for that attack. INESCAPABLE HOLD Prerequisite: Fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: Whenever an enemy grabbed by you attempts to escape your grab, it must make its escape check against your Fortitude even ifit uses Acrobatics. INFERNAL MIGHT Prerequisite: Tiefling, any martial class Benefit: When you use your infernal wrath racial power, ifyour next attack is a martial weapon power, it deals I[W] extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2[W] at 11th level and 3[W] at 21st level. INSPIRATIONAL ATTACKER Prerequisite: Warlord, inspirin8 word power Benefit: The target ofyour illspirill8 word regains additional hit points equal to your Strength modifier if it is adjacent to an enemy you have hit during this turn. INSPIRING BREATH Prerequisite: Dragonborn, warlord Benefit: When you hit an enemy using your dra80ll breath racial power, your allies gain a +5 bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of your next turn. LEND STRENGTH Prerequisite: Warlord Benefit: Whenever you grant an ally a basic attack against an enemy that is adjacent to you, the ally gains a +2 bonus to the attack 's damage roll. LETHAL HAMMER TRAINING Prerequisite: Dwarf, rogue Benefit: You can use a warhammer or a thrOWing hammer with Sneak Attack or any rogue power that normally requires a light blade. LONGTOOTH FURY Prerequisite: Longtooth shifter, fighter Benefit: While you are under the effect ofyour lon8tooth shiftin8 racial power, you gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls against creatures marked by you instead of +2. MANTICORE'S FURY Prerequisite: Ranger Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of the next ranged attack you make against that enemy before the end ofyour next turn. When you hit an enemy with a ranged attack, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of the next melee attack you make against that enemy before the end ofyour next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level. CHAPTE R 5 I Martial Options

MARKED FURY Prerequisite: Fighter Benefit: If an adjacent enemy that is marked by you makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, it takes a penalty to the attack roll equal to either -2 or the number of enemies adjacent to you, whichever is worse. This penalty replaces the normal penalty for having a creature marked. MARTIAL ADAPTATION Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one martiaI daily attack power ofyour level or lower from your class. After an extended rest, you can swap the chosen power for a martial daily attack power you know of the same level. You can substitute the original power back in after another extended rest. MARTIAL DILETTANTE Prerequisite: Half-elf. any martial class Benefit: Ifthe power you gained from your Dilettante racial trait is a martial power, you can use it twice per encounter. MARTIAL FLEXIBILITY Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one martial utility power ofyour level or tower from your class. After an extended rest, you can swap the chosen power for a martial utility power you know of the same level. You can substitute the original power back in after another extended rest. MARTIAL PLOY Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you use aid another on an ally's weapon attack roll, the ally can roJ! twice and use either result. This effect replaces the normal +2 bonus to the attack roll. An ally can benefit from this feat only once per attack. MARTIAL READINESS Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one martial at-will attack power ofyour level or lower from your class. After an extended rest, you can swap the chosen power for a martial at-will attack power you know ofthe same level. You can substitute the original power back in after another extended rest. MARTIAL VERSATILITY Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one martial encounter attack power ofyour level or lower from you r class. A fter an extended rest, you ca n swap the chosen power for a martial encounter attack power you know ofthe same level. You can substitute the original power back in a fter another extended rest. MAULING BEAR Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (bear) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack, it also grabs that creature. MEMORY OF A THOUSAND BATTLES Prerequisite: Deva, fighter Benefit: When you miss every target with a reliable fighter power, you can expend your memory ofa thousand lifetimes racial power to rero]] every attack roll. C 1-1 A PTE R 5 I Martial Options

MENACING THUG Prerequisite: Half-orc, rogue Benefit: Whenever you use yourfurious assault racial power. the enemy you hit grants combat advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn_ NIMBLE DODGE Prerequisite: Half1ing, any martial class Benefit: When you make an enemy reroll an attack roll using your second chance racial power, the enemy takes a -5 penalty to the second attack roll and can't score a critical hit on that roll. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Prerequisite: Rogue Benefit: Whenever you hit with an opportunity attack. or when an enemy misses you with an opportunity attack. the enemy you hit or the enemy that missed you grants combat advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn . OVERRUN CRITICAL Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: vVhenever you score a critical hit against an enemy with a charge attack. you can push that enemy 1 square and knock it prone. POUNCING CAT Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (cat) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a charge attack, it can make an additional melee basic attack against that creature as a free action. PRACTICED PRODIGY Prerequisite: Practiced Study feat Benefit: You acquire two martial practices of your level or lower. Increase the number of practices acquired to three at 5th level, four at 11th level, five at 15th level, six at 21st level, and seven at 25th level. PRACTICED STUDY Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: You can master and perform martial practices (page 147). You acquire one martial practice ofyour level or lower. PRECISION THROW Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: Whenever you make a ranged basic attack using a thrown weapon with which you have proficiency. you can use Dexterity instead ofStrength for the attack roll and the damage roll. RAZORCLAW MARK Prerequisite: Razorclaw shifter, fighter Benefit: While you are under the effect ofyour razorclaw shiftina racial power, any creature marked by you takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls for making an attack that does not include you as a target. This penalty replaces the normal penalty for haVing a creature marked. REDOUBLED EFFORTS Prerequisite: Any martial class Benefit: When you use your second wind, you can forgo the bonus to defenses to gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls until the end ofyour next turn. RESILIENCE OF STONE Prerequisite: Dwarf, any martial class Benefit: You can use your second wind as an immediate interrupt when you are damaged by an attack. RISKY SHIFT Prerequisite: Rogue Benefit: Whenever you shift, you can shift 1 additional square. Ifyou do so, you grant combat advantage until the start ofyour next turn. RUMBLING EARTHSHOCK Prerequisite: Genasi, any martial class, eartl1shock Benefit: Your earthshock racial power deals extra damage equal to your Strength modifier. SAVAGE WOLF Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (wolf) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack. it knocks that creature prone. SECOND SHOT Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: You can deSignate the second-nearest enemy as your quarry instead ofthe nearest enemy. SHARED MEMORIES Prerequisite: Deva, warlord Benefit: Whenever an ally adjacent to you makes an attack roll , a saving throw, or skill check. you can C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

expend your memory ofa thousand lifetimes racial power as a free action to add 1 d6 to the roll. SHIFTING COMPANION Prerequisite: Shifter, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Benefit: Your beast companion also benefits from your lonatooth shiftina racial power or your razorclaw shiflina racial power. SNAPPING LIZARD Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (lizard) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack, that creature takes 5 damage ifit moves away from the beast companion before the end ofthe creature's next turn. SPEED OF SEA AND SKY Prerequisite: Genasi, warlord, swiftcurrent or windwalker Benefit: When you use your swiftcurrent or windwalker racial power, each ally within 5 squares of you gains a +2 bonus to speed until the end ofyour next turn. STAGGERING STRIKE Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature Benefit: Whenever you would deal Hunter's Quarry damage to an enemy, you can forgo one die of that damage to push that enemy 1 square. STARTLING DISTRACTION Prerequisite: Rogue, ahost sound power Benefit: When you use ahost sound during your turn, you can roll twice on Stealth checks you make 3: before the end ofyour turn and use the higher result. LI..I Z SWIFT FOOTWORK Prerequisite: Ranger or rogue Benefit: Whenever you use a martial encounter or daily power that allows you to shift, you can shift 2 extra squares. TELEPATHIC MARK Prerequisite: Kalashta r, fighter Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fighter attack power, you can mark each enemy within the range ofyour telepathy. The mark lasts until the end ofyour next turn. TREETOP SNIPER Prerequisite: Elf, rogue Benefit: You can use any bow with Sneak Attack or any rogue power that normally requires a crossbow. TRICKSTER'S MARK Prerequisite: Gnome, fighter Benefit: As a minor action, you can expend the use ofahost sound granted by your Master Trickster racial trait to mark one enemy within 10 squares of you until the end ofyour next turn. This use ofahost sound does not provoke opportunity attacks. TWILIGHT TRAINING Prerequisite: Human, ranger Benefit: You gain low-light vision. SUPER10 R FEAT SELECT10N With the variety of feats available to martia l characters, it can be hard to decide which feat to select. Retraining helps take the sting out of a feat choice that doesn't payoff in the end, letting you replace a previously selected feat for a different or more useful one as your character develops. However, even with retraining, an unfortunate feat choice lingers for at least one level. To improve your feat chOices, keep the following points in mind when making a selection. Style: You might be a fighter, but what kind of fighter are you? Are you the first into battle, smashing through enemies with a craghammer, or a re you a defensive fighter, locking down enemies and sheltering allies with your shield? Before picking your feat, keep in mind your character's style. Ifyou're defenSive-minded, Power Attack might not be the feat for you, and you might do better with Defensive Resilience from Martial Power instead. Race: Your race grants access to feats that reinforce your racial abilities or reflect your race's cultura l idiosyncrasies. These feats can help make your character stand out, and might even reveal a style that you preViously overlooked. Furthermore, these feats can encourage or reinforce multiclass options, helping you combine classes in exciting and interesting ways. Weapon: Another easy way to help determine your fea ts is to look at your weapon choice. The combat style feats presented in this book enhance certain powers when used in combination with specific wea pons. Other feats are keyed to the use of particular weapons or types of weapons, such as Reaping Blade from Martial Power, Bruta l Bludgeon in this book, and Spea r Push from the Player's Handbook. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

Avalanche Reaver Deceptive Staff Gain combat advantage after you miss with a staff Deft Blade Basic attack with light blade targets AC or Reflex Dwarven Recovery Dwarf Hammer Shock Trained in Intimidate Impaling Spear Lashing Flail Martial Accuracy Elf Piercing Pick Punishing Axe Rapid Practice Practiced Study Wicked Blade Fighter Feat Other Prerequisites Clobbering Brawler Brawler Style Crushing Pin Brawler Style Reliable Persistence Striking Resurgence Tactical Superiority Combat Superiority Ranger Feat Other Prerequisites Bestial Death Strike Beast Mastery (boar or lizard) Elusive Movement Fearsome Assault Half-orc Gliding Beast Beast Mastery (cat or raptor) Poisonous Beast Beast Mastery (serpent or spider) Rampaging Beast Beast Mastery (bear or wolf) Retreat Technique VENOMOUS SPIDER Prerequisite: Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (spider) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 bonus to saving throws. While your beast companion acts independently, it need not move adjacent to you but must remain within 10 squares ofyou. In addition, ifit hits a creature with a melee basic attack, that creature is slowed until the end of its next turn and takes a -2 penalty to its next attack roll before the end of the creature's next turn. VERSATILE TALENT Prerequisite: Human, fighter, Fighter \Veapon Talent class feature Benefit: You benefit from your Fighter Weapon Talent feature with both one-handed and two-handed weapons. +5 to saving throws after second wind Melee basic attack with hammer gains rattling keyword Melee basic attack with spear targets Reflex Melee basic attack with flail slides creature Roll twice when using elven accuracy on exploit Melee basic attack with pick targets AC or Fortitude Treat rolls of 1 or 2 on critical hit and high crit dice as 3s Perform martial practices in half the time Basic attack with heavy blade gains high crit property Benefit Daze when unarmed attack crits Deal damage when enemy fails to escape your grab +4 to attack same target after reliable exploit misses Trade second wind bonuses to make a melee basic attack Slow marked enemy hit by opportunity attack Benefit Beast companion gains +1 attack while bloodied, attacks when reduced to 0 hit points +1 AC and Reflex if you moved at least 3 squares Use furious assault on two targets at once Beast companion can shift after it hits Beast companion deals ongoing 5 poison damage on a hit Beast companion pushes creature on a hit No opportunity attack when moving away from enemy you hit WARFORGED SUPERIORITY Prerequisite: Warforged, fighter, Combat Superiority class feature Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack granted by Combat Superiority, you also knock that creature prone. WARPATH LEADER Prerequisite: Half-ore, warlord, Combat Leader class feature Benefit: Any ally who starts his or her turn within 5 squares ofyou gains a +2 feat bonus to his or her speed when charging. WRENCHING GRASP Prerequisite: Fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: Whenever you miss an enemy with an attack that would allow you to grab it, you deal damage equal to your Dexterity modifier to that enemy. C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

PARAGON TIER FEATS CONT. V1 ~ w u. ~ W Z Rogue Feat Brutal Bludgeon Combat Opportunist Disheartening Ambush Dragon Breath Scoundrel Elusive Movement Expert Sneak Sneaky Gnome Sneaky Opportunity Unerring Ambush Warlord Feat Agile Command Commander's Memory Cragborn Courage Dragon Breath Tactician Fading Forces Feyborn Stratagem Feywild Flanker Fight On Improved Battlefront Shift Insightful Preparation Other Prerequisites Benefit Clubs and maces gain brutal 1 property Ally's opportunity attack grants combat advantage to you Sneak Attack Forgo one Sneak Attack die to give your attack the rattling keyword Dragonborn, Sneak Attack Sneak Attack creatures hit with drason breath +1 AC and Reflex if you moved at least 3 squares Gain combat advantage against enemies with some conditions Gnome, Sneak Attack Sneak Attack while invisible does not end invisibility Deal extra damage with light blade on opportunity attack First Strike Other Prerequisites Int 15, Skirmishing Presence Deva Con 13, goliath, inspirins word Int 13, dragonborn Gnome Gnome Eladrin Inspirins word encounter power Battlefront Leader PARAGON TIER FEATS A character must be at least 11th level to select any of the feats in this section. AGILE COMMAND Prerequisite: lIth level, lnt 15, warlord, Skirmishing Presence class feature Benefit: Any ally who starts his or her turn adjacent to you gains a +2 feat bonus to AC and Reflex against opportunity attacks until the end of his or her turn. AVALANCHE REAVER Prerequisite: 11th level. goliath, any martial class Benefit: When you hit with a charge attack, you can also push the ta rget ofthe charge 1 square. Ifyou do, you can shift 1 square into any square the target just vacated. BESTIAL DEATH STRIKE Prerequisite: 11th level, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (boar or lizard) Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls while bloodied. In addition, when your beast companion drops to ohit pOints, it can make a melee basic attack as a free action. In first round, roll two attack rolls against enemy that has not yet acted Benefit Adjacent allies gain +2 AC against opportunity attacks Use memory of a thousand lifetimes on ally's roll InspirinS word heals extra hit points equal to Constitution modifier Slide ally out of burst of your drason breath Use fade away on self and ally when ally takes damage Allies have combat advantage against some enemies One enemy you teleport next to grants combat advantage Gain one additional use of inspirins word as encounter power Target one additional character with battlefront shift Allies gain +1 attack against enemies that have not yet acted BRUTAL BLUDGEON Prerequisite: 11th level, rogue Benefit: When you hit with a club or a mace, you treat the weapon as though it had the brutal 1 property: Reroll any damage die result of 1 until the die shows 2 or higher. CLOBBERING BRAWLER Prerequisite: 11th level, fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: vVhenever you use an unarmed attack to make a melee basic attack against a creature and you score a critical hit, you also daze that creature until the end ofyour next turn. COMBAT OPPORTUNIST Prerequisite: lIth level, rogue Benefit: Whenever one of your allies hits an enemy with an opportunity attack, that enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn. COMMANDER'S MEMORY Prerequisite: lIth level, deva, warlord Benefit: Whenever an ally within 10 squares of you makes an attack roll, saving throw. or skill check, you can expend your memor), ofa thousand lifetimes racial power as a free action to add 1d6 to the roll. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

CRAGBORN COURAGE Prerequisite: lith level, Con 13, goliath, warlord, inspirin[J word power Benefit: When you use inspirin8 word, the target regains additional hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. CRUSHING PIN Prerequisite: 11th level, fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: Whenever an enemy grabbed by you attempts to escape the grab and fails, it takes damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. DECEPTIVE STAFF Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you miss an enemy with a melee attack using a staff, that enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn_ DEFT BLADE Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: When you make a basic attack using a light blade, you can target AC or Reflex_ DISHEARTENING AMBUSH Prerequisite: 11th level, rogue, Sneak Attack class feature Benefit: Whenever you would deal Sneak Attack damage. you can forgo one die of that damage to give your attack the rattling keyword (page 5n DRAGON BREATH SCOUNDREL Prerequisite: 11th level, dragon born, rogue. Sneak Attack class feature Benefit: When you use your dra[Jon breath racial power, you can expend your Sneak Attack for this round to deal your Sneak Attack damage to each enemy you hit that is granting combat advantage to you_ DRAGON BREATH TACTICIAN Prerequisite: 11th level, Int 13, dragonborn. warlord Benefit: vVhen you use your dra80n breath racial power. you can slide one ally in the burst a number ofsquares equal to your Intelligence modifier before the attack. DWARVEN RECOVERY Prerequisite: 11th level, dwarf. any martial class Benefit: When you use your second wind, you gain a +5 bonus to saving throws until the end ofyour next turn. ELUSIVE MOVEMENT Prerequisite: 11th level, ranger or rogue C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options Benefit: Whenever you end your turn at least 3 squares away from where you began your turn, you gain a +1 feat bonus to AC and Reflex until the start ofyour next turn. EXPERT SNEAK Prerequisite: 11th level, rogue Benefit: You have combat advantage against enemies that are deafened , immobilized. slowed. or weakened. FADING FORCES Prerequisite: 11th level. gnome. warlord Benefit: When an ally adjacent to you takes damage, you can use your fade alVa), racial power as an immediate reaction and apply its effect to both you and the ally who was damaged. FEARSOME ASSAULT Prerequisite: 11th level. half-ore. ranger Benefit: When you hit two creatures with one attack, you can use your furious assault racial power to deal the power's extra damage to both creatures. FEYBORN STRATAGEM Prerequisite: 11th level, gnome. warlord Benefit: While you are hidden from an enemy, your allies have combat advantage against that enemy when they make basic attacks granted by your 'vvarlord powers. FEYWILD FLANKER Prerequisite: lith level, eladrin. warlord Benefit: Whenever you teleport, one enemy that you teleport adjacent to grants combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn. FIGHT ON Prerequisite: 11th level, warlord. inspirin8 word encounter power Benefit: You can use your inspirin8 word one additional time per encounter. GLIDING BEAST Prerequisite: lIth level, ranger. Beast Mastery class feature (cat or raptor) Benefit: After your beast companion hits with a melee basic attack. it can shift 1 square as a free action. HAMMER SHOCK Prerequisite: lIth level, any martial class. trained in Intimidate Benefit: Whenever you use a hammer to make a melee basic attack, the attack gains the rattling keyword (page 57).

IMPALING SPEAR Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you lise a spear to make a melee basic attack, you can target AC or Reflex. IMPROVED BATTLEFIELD SHIFT Prerequisite: 11th level, warlord, Battlefront Leader class feature Benefit: Your battlefield shift power targets one additional character. INSIGHTFUL PREPARATION Prerequisite: 11th level, warlord Benefit: Any ally within 5 squares ofyou gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that have not yet acted during the encounter. LASHING FLAIL Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you use a flail to hit an enemy with a melee basic attack, you can slide that enemy 1 square. MARTIAL ACCURACY Prerequisite: 11th level, elf, any martial class Benefit: When you use your elven accuracy racial power to reroll the attack roll of a martial power, you can roll twice and use either result. PIERCING PICK Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you use a pick to make a melee basic attack, you can target AC or Fortitude. POISONOUS BEAST Prerequisite: llth level. ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (serpent or spider) Benefit: Whenever your beast companion hits a creature with a melee basic attack, that creature takes ongOing 5 poison damage (save ends). This ongOing damage increases to 10 at 21st level. PUNISHING AXE Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit using an axe, you treat rolls of 1 or 2 on the critical hit damage dice and the extra dice provided by the high crit property as rolls of3. RAMPAGING BEAST Prerequisite: llth level, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (bear or wolf) Benefit: Whenever your beast companion hits a creature with a melee basic attack, it pushes that creature 1 square. RAPID PRACTICE V\ Prerequisite: llth level, any martial class, Prac­ ~ UJ ticed Study feat u.. Benefit: You can perform martial practices in half ~ the time it normally takes. UJ Z RELIABLE PERSISTENCE Prerequisite: 11th level, fighter Benefit: When you miss a creature with a martial power that has the reliable keyword, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls against that creature using that power. This bonus lasts until the end ofyour next turn. RETREAT TECHNIQUE Prerequisite: llth level, ranger Benefit: Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack during your turn , you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that enemy for moving away from it until the end ofyour turn. SNEAKY GNOME Prerequisite: llth level, gnome, rogue, Sneak Attack class feature Benefit: Once per encounter when you attack and deal Sneak Attack damage to a creature while you are invisible, the invisibility does not end as a result of the attack. SNEAKY OPPORTUNITY Prerequisite: llth level. rogue Benefit: Your opportunity attacks with light blades dealld6 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d6 at 21st level. STRIKING RESURGENCE Prerequisite: llth level, fighter Benefit: When you use second wind as a standard action, you can forgo the bonus to defenses to make a melee basic attack as a free action. TACTICAL SUPERIORITY Prerequisite: llth level, fighter, Combat Superiority class feature Benefit: Whenever you hit an enemy marked by you with an opportunity attack, that enemy is slowed until the end ofyour next turn. UNERRING AMBUSH Prerequisite: llth level, rogue, First Strike class feature Benefit: During the first round of combat, when you attack a creature that has not yet acted, you can make two attack rolls and use either result. CHAPTER 5 1 Martial Options

WICKED BLADE Prerequisite: 11th level, any martial class Benefit: Whenever you use a heavy blade to make a melee basic attack, you treat the weapon as having the high crit property. EPIC TIER FEATS A character must be at least 21st level to select any of the feats in this section. ALLIED OPPORTUNITY Prerequisite: 21st level, fighter, Combat Chal· lenge class feature Benefit: Whenever you attack a creature because ofCombat Challenge, one ally adjacent to that crea· ture can make a melee basic attack against it as an opportunity action. DRIVEN LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord Benefit: While you are conscious, bloodied allies you can see gain a +1 bonus to speed . DUAL CHALLENGE Prerequisite: 21st level, fighter, Combat Chal· lenge class feature Benefit: Whenever you mark an enemy with Combat Challenge, you can mark one additional enemy adjacent to that enemy. This mark lasts until the end ofyour next turn. ENABLING SHOT Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy on a ranged attack, one ally can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as a free action. EXPERT SKIRMISHER Prerequisite: 21st level, ranger, Running Attack class feature Benefit: Your bonus to attack rolls from Running Attack is +2 instead of +1. FATE FAVORS THE BOLD Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord, Bravura Pres· ence class feature Benefit: Whenever an ally makes a basic attack granted by your Bravura Presence, the ally gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier. Whenever an ally takes a move action granted by your Bravura Presence, the ally gains a bonus to speed during that move equal to your Charisma modifier. HEARTENING EXPLOIT Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options Benefit: Choose a warlord encounter attack power that you know. When you hit a creature with the chosen power, any ally who hits that creature before the end ofyour next turn gains temporary hit points equal to one·halfyour level. Special: Each time you gain a level, you can choose a different warlord encounter attack power to gain this feat's benefit instead ofthe power currently benefiting from it. LEARN BY DOING Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord Benefit: When you use a warlord power to grant an ally a basic attack and that attack misses a creature, the ally gains a +2 bonus to his or her next attack roll against that creature before the end of his or her next turn. UNGERING ILLUSION Prerequisite: 21st level, gnome, rogue, Sneak Attack class feature Benefit: You gain concealment until the end of the encounter against any enemy you deal Sneak Attack damage to while you are invisible. MARKED TAKEDOWN Prerequisite: 21st level, fighter, Brawler Style class feature Benefit: Whenever your melee attack hits an enemy marked by you that is dazed, immobilized, or stunned, you knock that enemy prone. OVERWHELMING IMPACT Prerequisite: 21st level, fighter Benefit: Whenever you use a hammer to hit an enemy with a melee attack, and that attack would slow the enemy, you ca n instead daze the enemy for the same duration. PERCEPTIVE LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord Benefit: While you are conscious, bloodied allies you can see do not grant combat advantage from being flanked. RELIABLE ACTION Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord Benefit: When an ally you can see spends an action point to use an encounter attack power that misses every target, that power is not expended. RESILIENT BEAST Prerequisite: 21st level, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Benefit: Your beast companion gains a +2 feat bonus to all defenses.

EPIC TIER FEATS Fighter Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit Knock prone marked enemies that are dazed, immobilized, or stunned UJ Allied Opportunity Combat Challenge Ally also attacks when you use Combat Challenge Dual Challenge Combat Challenge Mark extra creature with Combat Challenge 3: Marked Takedown Brawler Style Overwhelming Impact Daze instead of slow enemy when using hammer Z Slashing Storm After you hit, adjacent enemies take damage Ranger Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit Expert Skirmisher Running Attack +l to attack rolls from Running Attack Resilient Beast Beast Mastery +2 to all beast companion's defenses Slashing Storm After you hit, adjacent enemies take damage Rogue Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit lingering Illusion Gnome, Sneak Attack Gain concealment if you Sneak Attack while Invisible Shadow Eyes Ignore concealment; take -2 penalty from total concealment Spirit Breaker Creature you hit that is affected by a rattling power grants combat advantage Versatile Rogue Human Gain another Rogue Tactics option Warlord Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit Driven Leadership Bloodied allies gain +1 speed Enabling Shot Grant melee basic attack when you crit with ranged attack Fate Favors the Bold Bravura Presence ncrease damage and speed with Bravura Presence Heartening Exploit Allies gain temporary hit pOints when they hit target of chosen power Learn by Doing Whe granted attack misses, ally gains +2 to next attack Perceptive Leadership Bloodied allies don't grant combat advantage when flanked Reliable Action When using an action point, ally doesn't expend power that missed Shared Resources Inspiring word Inspiring word also gives allies temporary hit points Shift the Field Battlefront Leader Battlefront shift affects wider area and all allies in area SHADOW EVES SPIRIT BREAKER Prerequisite: 21st level, rogue Prerequisite: 21st level. rogue Benefit: Your attacks ignore concealment (but not Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature that is total concealment). When attacking a creature that taking a penalty from the rattling keyword, the creahas total concealment, you take only a -2 penalty to ture grants combat advantage until the end ofyour your attack roll for the total concealment. next turn. SHARED RESOURCES VERSATILE ROGUE Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord, inspirin8 word Prerequisite: 21st level. human. rogue Benefit: When you use inspirin8 word. each ally in Benefit: You gain one additional option from the burst also gains temporary hit points equal to 3 + Rogue Tactics. your Intelligence modifier. MULTICLASS FEATS SHIFT THE FIELD The following feats allow multiclass characters to Prerequisite: 21st level, warlord , Battlefront sample the features and benefits gained from playing Leader class feature martial characters. Benefit: Your battlefield shift power becomes a close burst 5 and targets you and each ally in the AGILE BRAWLER burst. [MULTICLASS FIGHTER] Prerequisite: Any multiclass fighter feat. paragon SLASHING STORM multiclassing as a fighter Prerequisite: 21st level. fighter or ranger Benefit: You gain the fighter class feature Combat Benefit: Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to Agility (page 6). you takes damage equal to your Wisdom modifier if you hit a creature during your last turn with a melee attack. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

MULTICLASS FEATS Name Other Prerequisites Benefit Agile Brawler Any multlclass fighter feat, Fighter: Combat Agility paragon multiclassing as a fighter Bravura leader Str 13 or Cha 13 Warlord: training in one class skill, ally gains bonus to damage with action point Brawling Warrior Str 13 or Wis 13 Fighter: training in one class skill, +1 attack or~C once per encounter Cyclone Warrior Str 13 or Dex 13 Fighter: training in one class skill, +1 damage once per encounter Insightful leader Str 13 or Wis 13 Warlord: training in one class skill, ally gains +1 defenses with action point Resourceful leader Int 13 or Cha 13 Warlord: training in one class skill, ally gains benefit with action point Skirmishing leader Str 13 or Int 13 Warlord: training in one class skill, ally can shift with action point Twilight Adept Dex 13 or Int 13 Rogue: training in Stealth, Cunning Sneak 1/encounter Wrathful Warrior Str 13 or Con 13 Fighter: training in one class skill, temporary hp when hit 1/encounter BRAVURA LEADER [MULTICLASS WARLORD] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Cha 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warlord's class skills list. When an ally you can see spends an action point to attack, that ally can choose to gain a +4 bonus to the attack's damage roll. Ifthe ally chooses to use the bonus, he or she grants combat advantage to the target ofthe attack until the end of his or her next turn. This bonus increases to +6 at 11th level and +8 at 21st level. BRAWLING WARRIOR [MULTICLASS FIGHTER] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Wis 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the fighter's class skills list. Once per encounter while you wield a weapon in one hand and have nothing in your other hand, you can use a free action during your turn to gain a +1 bonus to an attack roll you just made or a +1 bonus to AC until the start ofyour next turn. CYCLONE WARRIOR [MULTICLASS FIGHTER] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Dex 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the fighter's class skills list. Once per encounter as a free action during your turn, while you are wearing light armor or chainmail and wielding a weapon in each hand, you can gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee or close attacks until the end ofyour turn. This bonus increases to +2 at ] lth level and +3 at 21st level. INSIGHTfUL LEADER [MULTICLASS WARLORD] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Wis 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warlord's class skills list. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options When an ally you can see spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally gains a +1 bonus to all defenses u nti I the end of his or her next turn. RESOURCEFUL LEADER [MULTICLASS WARLORD] Prerequisite: Int 13 or Cha 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warlord's class skills list. When an ally you can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +3 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 3 temporary hit points on a miss. This bonus increases to +5 at 11th level and +7 at 21st level. These temporary hit points increase to 5 at 11th level and 7 at 21st level. SKIRMISHING LEADER [MULTICLASS WARLORD] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Int 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warlord's class skills list. When an ally you can see spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally can shift 1 square as a free action before or after the extra action. TWILIGHT ADEPT [MULTICLASS ROGUE] Prerequisite: Dex 13 or Int 13 Benefit: You gain training in Stealth. Once per encounter, you can use a free action duri ng your turn to gai n the benefit ofthe rogue class feature Cunning Sneak (page 56) until the end of your turn. WRATHFUL WARRIOR [MULTICLASS FIGHTER] Prerequisite: Str 13 or Con 13 Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the fighter's class skills list. Once per encounter, when you are hit by a melee attack or a close attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.

._-._-.-.--.-.--.-.--.--,-.-._-. -.--.-.--.-,-.­ MARTIAL PRACTICES Beyond the exploits for which they're famed, martial heroes can push the bounds ofwhat is possible for ordinary mortals by mastering challenging tech· niques called martial practices. Using these rare methods, an adventurer can run for days, swim to great depths, and even create magiC items. Although martial practices approach what's possible with ritu· als, they exist wholly in the realm of martial power. A martial practice is similar to a ritual. To use a martial practice, you must acquire it, master it, and perform it. The component costs sometimes include healing surges. After you finish performing a prac· tice, you gain its benefit. ACQUIRING MARTIAL PRACTICES You can learn the rudiments of martial practices from a master or purchase them on the open market. Unless you find the practice as part of a treasure hoard, you'll pay something for it. Learn through Training: Any character who has mastered a martial practice can teach it to you. The instructor can be another player character or a nonplayer character you meet. Training is costly and arduous. Usually, you pay the cost in gold or other treasure. Learning a martial practice costs half the market price ifyou learn it from another player char· acter. In such a case, you are paying for the supplies needed for training, not for your ally's work and time. Purchase: Ifyou can find a merchant that deals in rare goods, you can pay the market price of a martial practice to acquire it. Find in Treasure: You might also find martial practices inscribed in ancient manuals hidden away in dusty libraries or haunted castles. Practices con· tained within these texts offer detailed instructions so that with careful study you can master them. Your DM accounts for the market price of a martial prac· tice you find in the treasure you acquire. MASTERING MARTIAL PRACTICES You must master a martial practice before you are able to perform it. To master a practice, you must: • Acquire the martial practice. • Have the Practiced Study feat. • Meet or exceed the practice's level requirement. • Be trained in at least one of the key skills for the practice. • Study the martial practice for a total of 8 hours. / The studying process differs depending on how you acquired the martial practice. Ifyou acquired it through training, the study period takes place at the same time as acquiring the practice. Ifyou bought or found the practice, the time is spent closely study· ing the manual and repeating the lessons and steps within the text. PERFORMING MARTIAL PRACTICES The steps to perform a martial practice correspond to the headers of the practice's description. Time: Martial practices take time to perform. You might have to adopt the right physical and mental state, sweat over a forge to craft an item, or painstakingly camouflage your party's campsite. Component Costs: Martial practices are strenu· ous. Unlike rituals, which usually require only a monetary component cost, most martial practices require an expenditure of healing surges. This cost reflects the strain on your body and mind. A few martial practices also require materials to properly perform them. When a practice has a com· ponent cost, you must pay the price from your store of treasure, whether you're spending gold, gems, or other valuables. The component cost represents the price of equipment and raw materials. You pay the component cost, including both the monetary cost and the healing surges, when you com· plete a practice. Ifyou cannot pay the full cost, the practice has no effect. Skills: Each practice has one or more key skills, and you must be trained in at least one ofthese skills to master and perform the practice. Some practices also require skill checks to determine your effort's effectiveness. Usually, the practice succeeds regard· less of the check result, and high check results produce the hest effects. Unless a practice says utherwise, you make your skill check at the end ufits performance. As with ritu' als, you cannot take 10 on this check. EFFECTS OF A MARTIAL PRACTICE After you finish performing a practice, you gain its benefit for the practice's duration. Sometimes the duration is instantaneous: You have learned the information or completed the task. Other times, you ga in a henefit for a set amount oftime, or you create a permanent object. ASSISTANCE Typically you must perform a martial practice with· out help. C HAPTER 5 I Martial Options

INTERRUPTING A MARTIAL PRACTICE You can stop performing a martial practice at any point before it's completed without expending any healing surges or other component costs. Once you stop, you cannot resume the performance; you must start the entire process over again. How TO READ A MARTIAL PRACTICE NAME AND FLAVOR TEXT Under each martial practice's name, a short descrip­ tion covers what the practice does. LEVEL This entry gives the minimum level required for a character to master and perform the practice. TIME Performing a martial practice takes a specific amount oftime to complete. DURATION A martial practice's effects usually last longer than those of a power. This entry tells you how long the practice's effects last. COMPONENT COST This entry gives the number of healing surges or the amount ofgold (or both) required to perform the practice. MARKET PRICE This entry describes the cost you pay to purchase a martial practice. This amount also tells a OM the value of a practice if he or she wants to give it out as part of a treasure parcel. The practice descriptions use the words "character" and "creature" interchangeably. ALTER EGO With a little makeup and a bit ofmisdirection, you can appear to be anyone. Level: 8 Market Price: 27 5 gp Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Bluff Duration: 24 hours Component Cost: 50 gp plus 1 healing surge CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options KEY SKILL This entry gives the skill you must be trained in to master and perform the practice. If this entry ends with "(no check)," then performing the practice does not require a skill check. If a practice has more than one key skill, you choose which skill to use. EFFECTS The remaining text details the benefit you gain when you finish performing the practice. MARTIAL PRACTICES BY LEVEL Lvi Martial Practice Key Skill You alter your own appearance or the appearance of an ally who is present throughout your performance of the practice. The disguise ca n alter facial and physical features and appear to modify height and weight by up to 10%. You can also use this martial practice to disguise gender, race, and age. Make a Bluff check with a +5 bonus. Your result determines the InSight check a creature must make to determine that the person you are disguised as is not who he or she appears to be. You can use this practice to impersonate another humanoid. When you interact with a creature that is familiar with the person you're imitating, that creature gains a +10 bonus to its InSigh t check. 1 Master Artisan 1 Temporary Fix 1 Tracker's Eye 1 Travel Sense 2 Embalm 2 Survivor's Preparation 3 Speech without Words 3 Warded Campsite 4 Forge Armor 4 Forge Weapon 5 Fortify Beast 5 Hidden Pocket 5 Precise Forgery 5 Reliable Balance 5 Thorough Search 5 Uncanny Strength 6 Decipher Script 6 Long-Distance Runner 8 Alter Ego . 8 Feign Death 8 Handle Steed 11 Word on the Street 12 Peerless Exploration 1 5 Use Scroll 17 Survivor's Assurance Athletics Athletics or Thievery Nature or Perception Nature Heal Nature Diplomacy Nature or Thievery Athletics Athletics Nature Thievery Thievery Acrobatics Perception Athletics or Endurance History or Streetwise Athletics or Endurance Bluff Bluff or Endurance Nature Streetwise Stealth Thievery Nature

0 DECIPHER SCRIPT You mi8ht not know th e lan8ua8e, but with some time and effort, you can decipher the meanin8 ofany writin8' Level: 6 Market Price: 150 gp Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: History or Duration: Instantaneous 5treetwise Component Cost: 1 healing surge You learn the meaning of any written text you study, even if you are not fluent in its language. You must exam ine the words for the entire time, after which you understand the gist of whatever the text says. You also make a History or Streetwise check, and if your result is 30 or higher, you can read the text as if you were fluent in the language. Each use of this martial practice allows you to examine about one page of writing or an eqUivalent amount of text. EMBALM Ancient methods halt decay to preserve a body for a time. Level: 2 Market Price: 50 gp Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Heal (no check) Duration: Special Component Cost: 20 gp plus 1 healing surge You use this martial practice on an adjacent corpse. The practice doubles the time a corpse ca n be dead and still be affected by Raise Dead or a similar ritual . FEIGN DEATH You slow your breathil18 and heartbeat so yOt, appear to be dead. Level: 8 Market Price: 275 gp Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Bluff or Endurance Duration: 24 hours or until dismissed Component Cost: 1 healing surge You enter a deep trance that slows your heartbeat and breathing to become almost imperce ptible. While in this state, you appear unconscious or dead, but you are aware of your surroundings. You can emerge from the trance as a free action. Other creatures perceive you as dead unless they make a Heal check or Insight check equal to your check result + 10. FORGE ARMOR Althou8h your meallS are mundane, the armor you for8e is enchanted throu8h your superior skilL Level: 4 Market Price: 175 gp Time: 1 day Key Skill: Athletics (no check) Duration: Permanent Component Cost: See below You construct magic armor. Your level determines the Vl highest enhancement bonus the armor can have (see the Z table below). You can create only maBic armor (Player'S Handbook, page 230). Armor you forge with thi s martial Q. practice can be masterwork (Player's Handbook, page 0:: 212), provided the armor meets the minimum enhance· U ment bonus. ~ The component cost is equal to the price of the magiC Cl armor you create. L.LJ U Armor Created Minimum Level Component Cost IU +1 magic armor +2 magic armor 4th 6th 360gp 1,800 gp <:: 0:: 0.. + 3 magic armor 11th 9,000gp +4 magic armor 16th 45,000 gp + 5 magic armor 21st 225,000 gp +6 magic armor 26th 1,125,000 gp FORGE WEAPON Usin8 ancient craftinn techniques, you forne a weapon of such artfulness that it becomes enchanted. Level: 4 Market Price: 175 gp Time: 1 day Key Skill: Athletics (no check) Duration: Permanent Component Cost: See below You construct a magiC weapon. Your level determines the highest enhancement bonus the weapon can have (see the table below). You can create only a maBic weapon (Player's Handbook , page 235). You can also make the weapon silvered while you perform this practice by paying the norma l price (Player's Handbook, page 220). The component cost is equal to the price of the magiC weapon you create. Weapon Created Minimum Level Component Cost +1 magic weapon 4th 360gp +2 magic weapon 6th 1,800 gp +3 magic weapon 11th 9,000 gp +4 magic weapon 16th 45,000 gp +S magic weapon 21st 22S,OOOgp +6 magic weapon 26th 1,125,000 gp FORTIFY BEAST Your technique ensures that your beast will carry you throu8h difficult situations. Level: 5 Market Price: 250 gp Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature (no check) Duration: Special Component Cost: 1 healing surge You prepare up to six natural beasts that have the mount keyword for the hardships ahead . Each beast gains tem · porary hit points equal to your healing surge value. These temporary hit points last until you take an extended rest. CHAPTER 5 I Martial Options

(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Martial Power 2 - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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